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What if question #4 [24 Apr 2008|09:37am]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | Bigbang-lies ]

I'm on a roll, I'm going to start asking for suggests for questions. So if you have some just drop me a line at tomoyatokio.

Anyway here the question. What if you were stuck on a island all by yourself. What Three things would you bring? It can be anything, and remember you don't know how long you maybe there. Okay have fun with it.

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Bored [24 Apr 2008|01:28pm]
[ mood | bored ]

Anyone wanna go skating or maybe paintball or something fun. It doesn't matter where.

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nyah. [24 Apr 2008|02:01pm]


Someone save me from sensei! (>____<)

He's going to bore me to death.

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[ viewing | April 24th, 2008 ]
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