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an AU asian entertainment High School RP

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[27 Feb 2008|02:22pm]
So, I am free from school for the entire week, and I am going to get as much rest as possible. But during the times when I am not sleeping, and doing my missed work.. does anyone want to hang out?! I've been neglecting my friends and I feel this is the time to make up for it.

Let me know!
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Go Tigers! [27 Feb 2008|04:54pm]
Muses Name: Kim Bo-Kyung aka Chunmoo Stephanie
Muses band/solo: CSJH the grace
Muses LJ: [info]danceofheaven
Muses AIM sn: steph the grace

Grade: 11
Age: 17
Activities: dance club, choir, ballet.
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GO TIGERS! [27 Feb 2008|06:48pm]
Muses Name: Jiro Wang
Muses band/solo: Fahrenheit
Muses LJ: gyapower
Muses AIM sn: gyapowaa

Grade: 9th
Age: 14
Activities: choir, drama club, boys soccer
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Go Tigers! [27 Feb 2008|10:57pm]
Muses Name: Wu Zun
Muses band/solo: Fahrenheit/Fei Lun Hai
Muses LJ: bruneiboy
Muses AIM sn: bruneiboi wuzun

Grade: 11th
Age: 17
Activities: Basketball team, martial arts club
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[ viewing | February 27th, 2008 ]
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