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an AU asian entertainment High School RP

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[26 Feb 2008|05:32pm]
[ mood | ditzy ]

So...I got lost today...^////^

If there's someone who isn't too busy...could you please show me around~?

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Go Tigers! Hwaiting Horangi! [Application] [26 Feb 2008|06:02pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | Super Junior - Success ]

[Yay! I finally figured it out! ^____^]

Muses Name: Seo Joohyun/Seohyun
Muses band/solo: Sonyeoshidae/Girl's Generation
Muses LJ: http://sgt-seororo.insanejournal.com/
Muses AIM sn: KiseuSeororo

Grade: 9th
Age: 15 years!
Activities: Choir, Math Club, Photography

Hee hee~ Do I talk about myself? I'm sorry if I mess up, I'm new to everything. Like an alien! Hee hee, it took so long for me to find out how to post, I almost cried! 
Anyway, please treat me well!

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Happy Birthday Miki!!! [26 Feb 2008|06:57pm]
Hello Mikitty

I had a lot of fun making this cake for you :D
Have a great birthday
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[26 Feb 2008|08:39pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Wonder Boy -Super Junior. ]

Hello again everybody! Tegoshi is back again, ne? ^O^ I wonder sometimes if you guys are sick of my posts, because they're so long! I hope not, I just have alot to say sometimes. <33 It's fun to speak your mind, sometimes. Not all the time though, you could hurt somebody's feelings if it's a bad thing, ne?

Oii~!! But, how is everybody doing this winter? It's cold, na? ^O^ The snow is beautiful though, isn't it? <33 Uwaa~!! Tegonyan likes to walk outside after it snows, and just enjoy the views! I used to take my dog Tinny-chan, but she isn't here anymore. So, I go out and enjoy the serene landscape myself. It's nice, and quiet, so I can take everything in! <33 Ah, Tegonyan sometimes likes to make snow angels too! But, the snow gets into my jacket or sweater sometimes, and it gets me really cold!! I don't like it! T.T Spring is close, but winter is still here, so it's still cold!! Everybody stay warm, ne? Drive some nice hot chocolate, and cuddle up next to somebody you live, or love! Or even just your blanket!! <333

Uwaa~!! There are so many people coming to the school now, ne?! I hope all of you feel welcomed! And, if you need a friend, Tegonyan is always free to talk to, and hang out with!! <33 Oii~!! I hope none of you get lost either around here!! If you guys need a hand, call Tegoshi!! I'll help you out if you want, ne? ^O^ Also, have fun at the school!! It's an amazing school, and everybody is really nice!! Oh, and for those of you that want to talk, or need my help, this is my number/IM [[ tesshi desu ]]/ Arigatou!!

Have a goodnight everybody!!! <333 Thank you for reading my posts!! ^O^

Oh, and before I forget!

Today's question:

What comes first? The chicken, or the egg?

A common question, ne? ^O^ I wanted to see what you guys thought! It's so tricly, but tricky is good because it makes you think alot!! And, it's good to wonder about the world around us, and how it works!! ^O^ Okay, tell me what you guys think <33

Tegoshi desu~

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Tablo's Word [26 Feb 2008|09:52pm]
[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | Bye Bye - SS501 ]

Life is an adventure. Take it as it comes.

Let's make it an adventure together?
Don't be shy, I love people. :D
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[26 Feb 2008|10:29pm]
[ mood | scared ]
[ music | 니가 있어야 할곳 - g.o.d ]

Muses Name: Lim Eunkyoung
Muses band/solo: Actress
Muses LJ: littlematchgirl
Muses AIM sn: TTLgirlEunkyoung

Grade: 9th
Age: 14
Activities: fashion club, photography club

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[26 Feb 2008|10:46pm]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | Don't Don! - Super Junior ]

This place is a sadness pit.

Let's just.. go out.

Anyone with me?

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