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Callista Lovelace ♥ Aphrodite [userpic]
[Filter: Greeks]

Ladies and gentlemen,

The East Coast Greeks and I should be arriving today in Washington. I am planning a strategy meeting tonight at ten here: [Gives address information for a hotel]

If possible, I'd like us to take the mountain on Monday and be done with all this.

Callista Lovelace ♥ Aphrodite [userpic]
[Phone Call to Hephaestus]

Hephaestus, dear? Need your address, please.

Callista Lovelace ♥ Aphrodite [userpic]
Twenty Seven

Ladies and gentlemen, it has come to our attention that Poseidon has been taken from among our numbers. With this new development, the question of the Greek throne is no longer in contest. Hades has agreed that I am to be the sole ruler, and I have every intention of fully inhabiting that mantle.

That said... In Poseidon's absence, the Trident now passes to you, Triton, as the heir to the Sea Kingdoms, and now their rightful king. Unless, of course, you prefer the title of Prince Regent?

Callista Lovelace ♥ Aphrodite [userpic]
[Phone Call to Hades]

Hades? It's Dite. ...It's urgent.


Well it's official. I've done my best to stay the hell away from all this. When my internet turned on me, I jury-rigged my type-writer to get my files typed up so I wouldn't have to deal with this crap. Alas my coworkers didn't accept my makeshift papers, so I had to cave and finally access this thing.

My name's Henry Phillips, formerly Hephaestus.

Let's get this over with.

[Filter: Aphrodite]

Hello, Dite. How are you and the children doing?

mr_bes [userpic]

Most persistent spam ever I'm assuming that this isn't for a Viagra support group How the hell do you do this?

Hello. I got tired of deleting the email from my inbox and this seemed to be the only way to get it to stop. I'm not entirely sure what comes next but I hope it doesn't result in more random emails from mysterious sources. Is there a next step to this or am I free to reclaim my internet connection again?

Callista Lovelace ♥ Aphrodite [userpic]
[Phone Call to Seth/Astarte]

[She waits calmly while it rings, keeping a watchful eye on the twins]

Sean Gregory [userpic]

Spam blocker, my ass Not entirely sure I should be posting on a message board that an email with the aura of a Hitchcock film surrounding it sent me to, but I'm kind of afraid of what will happen if I don't. wouldn't be the first What is this all about?

Callista Lovelace ♥ Aphrodite [userpic]

Attention, everyone! And I do mean everyone!

As lovely as this place is, it really is time we were headed home. Everyone, please be sure to meet in the dining room for lunch this Friday the 2nd. After we eat, we all discuss strategy and finalize our plans.

Thank you!

Looks like someone remembered my birthday. Do I dare accept gifts from strange deities?

Callista Lovelace ♥ Aphrodite [userpic]
Twenty Five

[The day had begun normally enough, although it was a very busy day being on the heels of New York Fashion Week and the Milan Fashion Week about to begin. Packages were arriving regularly, and no one noticed one extra one... until it exploded, taking out the front security desk. Moments later, a half-dozen gunmen entered and began opening fire. Aphrodite herself was able to escape unharmed, but 10 of her employees died and another two dozen injured...]

The person who would dare do this to my business, my people... It has gone too far.

enosichthon [userpic]

Dite you watch my kid as if she was your own while I'm in Rome. I come home to anything funny, I'm taking it out on you.

Callista Lovelace ♥ Aphrodite [userpic]
Twenty Four

All right, for those five of you going to Rome, I have your accommodations all set up:

-5 first-class round-trip tickets. I've emailed them to you all, so you just be able to just print them and go. You are scheduled to fly out first thing on Monday the 13th, and return home on Sunday. I do hope that gives you enough time to find what you're looking for.

-3 reserved suites at the Saint Regis Grand Rome. Just give the concierge your names when you arrive, and everything should be in order. Poseidon, dear, I thought you'd appreciate having your own space, so one is reserved for you exclusively.

-Two cars have also been reserved for your use, if you should decide to use them: a Fiat and a Lamborghini.

Good luck! ♥

enosichthon [userpic]

I hope no one thinks they're getting the goods. If anyone ends up with a throne its going to be me. Rome and I have some history. I'll not be left behind.

Callista Lovelace ♥ Aphrodite [userpic]
Twenty Three

All right, my fellow Greeks--or anyone else feeling up to the job. We know we need to head to Rome to find... whatever it is we're supposed to be looking for. So, who is going to go?

I do have to travel to Italy fairly regularly on business, but right now... I'm not certain I would be the best candidate. Not after they took my son as well as the others. If no one else will volunteer, I'm certain I could perform the task required. Otherwise, I would be happy to sponsor someone else going in my place.

Any takers?

Callista Lovelace ♥ Aphrodite [userpic]
Twenty Two

...Ganymede, dear? You haven't been in contact with Eros, have you? I can't seem to reach him. It's like he's disappeared off the face of the earth, and I've got a terrible feeling about it...

metemmods [userpic]
Attention, All Godlings

Hello, Godlings. Have you all been playing nicely together? I do hope so. You'll need to.

You've done well otherwise so far. Finding your lost treasures. But those won't be enough. There is more to find.

[Filter: Celts]
A secret has been lost in Eire, and it sings where the living voices went silent.

[Filter: Egyptians]
Once your blood ran through the veins of kings, and their power remains there buried. Find it, and it is yours again.

[Filter: Greeks]
Westward where the son of Troy, and the children of Venus and Mars brought forth their power, a piece remains.

[Filter: Hindu]
Far in the East, near where warriors come forth from the earth, a touch of power remains. Its music can make you dance again.

[Filter: Judeo-Christians]
You must seek the song in the wilderness again to find the lost power, far to the Devil's own continent.

[Filter: Norse]
The mountains hold secrets again, high in the clouds, but you must go south to seek the power that was lost. It sings in the shadow of the lost city.


Remember. You must strike while the time is hot. Let it grow cool, and it may slip through your fingers.

enosichthon [userpic]

Seems all I hear about these days are those Norse apes. Your pictures are all over the place. Hadn't seen the movie yet. Was it any good?

Triton, think you can babysit for a few days? Though, I'm hardly going to give you an option one way or the other. Chelsea thinks she's old enough to date. Daughter of a raging sea god, you think she'd learn. There's no such thing as dating.

Current Mood: busy
Callista Lovelace ♥ Aphrodite [userpic]
Twenty One

[Filter: Poseidon]

Darling, it's really been too long since we last spent quality time together. What's your schedule looking like?

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