04 June 2012 at 08:30 pm
Hello – is there someone who can hear me? Is what the brochure in the basket said – is it true? We're considered criminals here?

[ She makes a quiet 'mm,' sound, acknowledging and pondering the situation all at once. ]

If that's the case… Is there anyone here who can tell me, have you seen a young girl with a pink ribbon in her hair, named Marlene? She might have had a boy with – [ You can almost hear the slight smile in her voice when she speaks. ] – light brown hair, a bit long, with her. They were with me, not too long ago... Surely, they could have been brought here, too... [ She's concerned, but also very hopeful. It's possible, right? Completely possible.]

I would be grateful for any information you could offer me! I need to find them as soon as I can. [ And then another thought occurs to her. Marlene and Denzel weren't the only members of her family there in the church with them. What if some of the people she knows are already here, and can hear her? ]

Barret? Are you here? [ And, of course... Though he's doing so much better than he was before, she is always concerned for his well being...]
