[Voice//Action | Open]
26 April 2010 at 07:41 pm
[Like yesterday, this morning's announcement had given Lacus yet more cause for concern. But if there was something she could do to help, she was going to do it. Even if she did feel rather lethargic herself.]

[She heads straight for the kitchen to start making chicken soup and tea for anyone who might be feeling tired. Anyone who runs into her in the corridors or the kitchen will find her moving very slowly, deliberately, quite unlike the casual grace with which she usually moves. If she stands still, or sits, her eyelids start to droop, and so she just keeps moving. Slowly, and carefully, cutting carrots and peeling potatoes. It's so... difficult to move, but she's determined.]

Good morning everyone. [a pause, as if catching her breath] If anyone is feeling ill and would like some tea or soup, I'm preparing some and would be happy to bring them over to anyone who would like them. There's plenty, so please don't hesitate!

((OOC: she... may pass out, so anyone who wants to catch them a swooning damsel let me know~))
[accidental voice] backdated to earlier during day 59
26 April 2010 at 06:22 pm
--cking annoying... you sure I need this thing?

[ Right off the bat, the voice sounds irritated and annoyed. There were a couple of beeps as Kazuma kept trying to figure out what each button on the communicator did, but it was pretty obvious he just barely had the patience for it. ]

[ A very patient female voice responds.] Yes, it's very useful. Even if you don't wear it all the time it's good to have it around just in case.

It looks ridiculous.

You will get used to it.

I'm not looking to get used to it.

[ She has heard that already. Ignoring and moving on. ] Do you need help understanding how it works?

Tch. [ He pauses for a moment, clicking a button or two on it. ] Actually, yeah. How do you turn off this annoying red light?

Oh... That means it is on.

[ Silence. For a good couple of seconds. ]

... What.

((ooc: Pink is Euphie. :3))
[ Action | open | shelter hallway ]
26 April 2010 at 06:42 pm
[Euphie blinks and looks around her room. Her eyes sting as if strained and her limbs feel heavy as if weighted. She notices Cornelia is already out of bed, but it must still be late for her to be so exhausted. With no windows to judge time from light, she turns her head toward her bedside clock. She blinks again and even squints but the time doesn't change. She's been asleep a long time. If she doesn't get up now her breakfast with Lelouch will become a lunch.

It's with that thought, wanting to check on her brother and keep her promise, that she manages to push herself into a sitting position with much more effort than should be necessary. Tired as she is, her mind doesn't focus on why it is so difficult, she just encourages herself onward. First a quick shower and then she'll place a breakfast order or ask someone to do her the favor of preparing it and then she'll be on her way. She just has to concentrate on these small steps, so the task doesn't seem so big.

Little steps. Tiny steps.

Like the shuffling ones she is taking toward the door. Her room, which normally seems so small, now feels as if it has room enough for a marathon runner to practice laps.

But she promised Lelouch. Little steps. Tiny steps. And her hand at last latches onto the door knob, pulling it open. When did it get so heavy?

Now in the hall, wearing her pink satin pajamas, one hand stays firmly planted on the wall for support as she takes labored steps toward the bath. Her normally perfect posture becomes increasingly hunched and her pace slows further. Little steps. Tiny steps. No steps.

And she slides down the wall until she is slumped on the floor. ]

(OOC: Why, yes, she is affected by Tear. )
18 April 2010 at 01:52 am
[ How many days had it been now? Four? That was it, right? Yeah, okay, four.

Four days of Kazuma standing in the same spot he'd been in since he came across the dome, trying to break it every which way possible that involved either his fists, that ball-and-chain that had been attached to his leg, or a combination of the two. Of course, when the ball-and-chain had disappeared by the third day, there went half his options right there. Although the return of some of his Alter more than made up for it, so that definitely reinvigorated him... not that it did much good. ]

Just fucking break already!

[ One last punch with his altered right arm, before he leaned his back against the dome, simply slumping to the ground with a disgruntled sigh. It was obvious that he was lacking in energy at this point, especially considering he hadn't eaten anything in the last couple of days. The bruises from his fight with Spike didn't help make him look any more presentable either. ]

I'm not letting this thing beat me, dammit...
27 March 2010 at 07:13 pm
[ Kazuma didn't waste any time moving the moment he woke up, his battle with Ryuhou still fresh in his mind as he dragged himself down the streets of... wherever the hell he was. Sure, the ball and chain attached to his ankle was making it harder for him to move, but it definitely wasn't stopping him. Slowing him down, yes, but not stopping him. As for that thing that was on his ear and over his eye when he woke up? Yeah, he didn't even give it a second thought as he yanked the thing off and crushed it in his hand. He wasn't trusting anything that he didn't recognize. ]

BLEEP )ing HOLD... if you think this is holding me back, you've got another thing coming...

[ It didn't take long before he reached the edge of the dome, confusion crossing his features at first... before frustration followed. And then the punches started, his mind not even registering the fact that the only thing on the other side of the glass was water. ]

Goddammit, what the hell is this thing made off?! [ A frustrated grunt. ] Fine, if you wanna play it like that...

[ He then extended his right arm out in front of him, and clenched his fist tightly... but nothing happened. And once again, blatant confusion crossed his features, followed shortly by a feral expression. ]