05 June 2010 at 09:12 am
Okay! Okay, okay, so. I need some opinions, okay?

Let's say I want to ask this Acumen guy to return something to me. Is there anything I can do before that to, you know, raise the probability of him actually doing it for me?
[Action | Open]
05 June 2010 at 06:14 pm
[Another night without sleep. Rei's too restless, too upset by the news she's received from Tieria to even consider sleep. Once she's determined that Tsukasa is safely in bed, she leaves her new house and wanders the streets of her sector. She considers going to visit Ribbons, but Hilling will likely be there as well, and they must discuss this privately.

What grave acts has he committed? What was he willing to sacrifice to achieve his goal? How much is he really like Ikari Gendo?

And how could she not have known?

She finds herself at the opening to the Butterfly Pavilion, but cannot enter. Too many of those memories have been bathed in darkness. Instead, she heads for the park and sits beneath one of the trees, staring up at the endless sea of fake stars. He said he missed the sky. Will she ever be able to forget these little details of their conversation, which are still so fresh in her mind?]

((ooc: late night wanderers can find her in Sector 5, outside the Pavilion or in the park!))
Mood: melancholy