Chord 002: [Action || Open! Feel free to join in!]
09 May 2010 at 12:06 am
[Backdated... Or back-timed-- to late afternoon]

[So, guess who's in the Dining Hall after being pointed here for food, only to be clueless as to what was meant by "Ask the bots to cook", thus ended up fumbling around about the stove and frying pan in her attempts to fry herself a few eggs and sausages.]

[There's already a small stack of them, but they look a little on the inedible side, being either a tad bit too overcooked or just plain messy.]

[Feel free to have your various characters pass by and notice a bit of a burning smell or maybe see the small stack of eggs and sausages~~]
09 May 2010 at 08:44 am
Lelouch vi Britannia
[private to tear]
[very soft] Sgt. Grants? Can you hear me?

[he ended up asleep again for the better part of the afternoon, but he wakes up and remembers... so even if he has to do it while curled up with Nunnally, still asleep herself, he tries to contact her.

[...and while he waits for a response that doesn't come, he gradually drifts off again]