The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

July 31st, 2012

Guest Mod, Remix Challenge for all

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Stasia is taking over challenge mod duties for August and September. She doesn't have an account here, so we could both use someone willing to post links here back to the LiveJournal mod posts about Stasia's challenge. Anyone want to help with that?

Second, she's made an announcement about her challenge: Remix!

Read about it on LJ
and consider participating, either by offering your early works for remixing or making a claim on one!

I'm going to let Stasia get started before I make a poll about Snupin Santa to gauge interest and help.

June 1st, 2012

Mod Post: Rule 7 - Ads + Exchange reminder

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I've just added the following to our community rules:

7. On Fridays, community members past and present may advertise their personal distribution pursuits, be they hobbies or for-profit once a month. In other words, if you have something for sale or to give away or donate or show off that has nothing to do with Snape and Lupin, you can make a post about it on any one Friday in a month. That means you, as an individual, can post a personal accomplishment/sale ad once a month. This rule is at moderator discretion. If you join this community solely to post an ad, your post will be deleted and you'll be banned. If you're worried you might be deleted/banned because you're mostly lurker and unfamiliar as a community member, feel free to write the mod mail before you post and we'll work it out.

And with that, Friday personal ads are now open!

I very much doubt that many people will try to take advantage of the community by joining just to post an ad, but there's always an asshat or two out there. If you're a lurker or a very distant past community member, you should still take advantage of this new rule. If you're worried I'm going to ban you, don't hesitate to drop me an email before you post.

Remember, ultimately, I want you to post, not just for this but for anything here on the community. The rules are in place to guide us and inform non-members of how the community operates, not to discourage posting. To this day, I've never had to ban anyone from the community - you all always live up to the faith I put in you! ♥

Don't forget to sign up for the Postcard Exchange! There's been a few questions brought up on the InsaneJournal post, so I'm linking you there for reading about the exchange. If there's anything holding you back from joining in, drop me a line or reply one of the community Exchange posts.

love, lore

February 23rd, 2012

Mod Post: Community Moderation, Remus' Birthday, Check other L_S comms

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LiveJournal keeps re-setting the community moderation status to a setting that requires posting approval if you have links to unapproved sites. It's meant for spam protection, however, we've never had any problems with spam posts that I didn't quickly banhammer hard. I've opened a support request to, I hope, stop the random re-setting. In the meantime, if you ever receive notice that your post has been moderated, rest assured that someone will approve it as quickly as possible. (Nice of LJ to be spazzing out during our daily posting month!)

Remus' birthday is March 10! The day will be, as always, thrown open for posting of all things Remus, so be thinking about what you want to do to honour of our favourite werewolf. Also, of course, you're welcome to post for Remus' birthday all month long in March if you have something extended in mind. I don't have a solid March challenge in mind yet - might be music if I don't get a better idea. ^_^

Be sure to check out Lupin_Snape on InsaneJournal, LiveJournal, and Dreamwidth for Love/Not Love posts. I'm not going to link you here - check out the side bars for links, including syndication feeds of the other communities (although I've never figured out how to make one for DreamWidth). If anyone would like to compile the Love/Not Love master list for the month, please drop me a note in the mod mail. Thanks!

Keep up the great posting and don't forget to comment, everyone. We have some members making rare appearances for the challenge this week - be sure to let them know you're viewing their work!

love, lore

December 21st, 2011

Snupin Santa Schedule Update

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Hello Snupin Santa Followers!

I need to make a change to the posting schedule.

I had originally planned to post everything by the 24th. However, that is proving to be impossible due to a variety of issues, both modly and otherwise.

This means I will continue posting one or two gifts per day through the 23rd (Friday). I will be taking the 24th, 25th, and 26th off from posting, and then I will post the remaining gifts starting the 27th and ending as soon as everything is posted, most likely by the 30th. There will still be a full week to read anonymously after I post the last gift before we post the reveals.

During the three day posting hiatus, I hope you have a chance to get caught up with your reading, viewing, commenting, and reccing!

I am so sorry that I have to make this change at this late date. I know some of you have had amazing patience waiting for your gift. I promise the wait will be worth it!

*hugs* and Happy Holidays!

December 17th, 2011

Snupin Santa Posting Schedule

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Hi all!

Just a quick modly update. For the first half of the fest, I was able to predict my posting time of 6:00 a.m. PST (at least for weekdays). From now on, however, the posting time for your daily dose of Snupin will be much more random and unpredictable. For example, today I know I will not be able to post gifts until the evening.

I just wanted to let you know in case there are any of you who have been waiting, poised by your computers at the same time each day. I'm sorry I cannot promise consistency with time, but have no fear, there is still much more amazing Snupin yet to post in the fest, morning, noon, or night.

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