The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 24th, 2010

December 24th, 2010

FIC: Wolfsbane and Mistletoe, PG

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Here's my second entry for A Decade of Snape/Lupin!

Title: Wolfsbane and Mistletoe
Rating: PG
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Word count: ~1,870
Warnings: Unabashed fluff
Disclaimer: No money is being made off this story; consider it a little wish fulfillment on my part.
Author's note: This is a post-DH AU where Snape and Lupin both survived and are raising Teddy together.
Sequel to: A Halloween Dilemma, but this story can stand on its own.
Summary: The full moon falls on Christmas Eve, but Lupin and Teddy still manage to bring some Christmas cheer to Snape.

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