The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

July 29th, 2010

July 29th, 2010

It's official: Crack Boom trying to move us to rare pairs

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Ok, gang, I don't quite understand the reasoning, but the Crack_Broom on LiveJournal, a reccing community with a long history, is moving Snupin to a rare pair unless we speak up. The comment thread is here:

But more important, the sign-up queue is here:
(eta: changed this to the rare-reccers queue. I guess we'll have to fill it to make our point)

I admit, we have been having to recruit here on the community more this past year for reccers (although we have people through November; I'm not pleased with the mods take that this is not a long enough queue). If you feel like it's time for the ship to move to rare pair status, where we will be lucky to get recs every few years, then I guess ignore this post and we can wind-down gracefully.

Personally, I have seen comments on the CB recs, and subsequent comments on the stories and art recced there. We pick up a few new members a year from Crack Broom readers, too. The CB is beneficial to the ship and always has been.

If you're not ready to see the ship disappear from the CB, comment and let the mods know what you think, and then back your comment up by signing up to rec! 4 recs, 1 month, new and old stories and art welcome. It's not as hard as it seems.

Snupin has one of the largest number of recs at the CB, if not the largest number. I'd hate to see that tradition shut down unless we truly feel it's that time, not the CB mods, which have changed hands often. But if we're not all willing to pitch in and do this thing, well, your silence will speak for itself and we'll become a "rare" pair.

love, lore

P.S. - I realise that my arguments there are geared toward the fact that Snupin is an aging ship, but I want you to know that we value and appreciate our younger members, who I know also might run into the same Real Life problems that older people do! It's just that our over-30 regular posters outnumber the younger regular posters, and it only makes sense that there's more keeping the majority older regulars from signing up way in advance for reccing.

However, when I used the word "mature" over there, I meant it in terms of the nature of our ship - even our younger members are level-headed, wonderful people who know better than to over-extend themselves. ♥ to all, young and old!
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