The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

July 11th, 2010

July 11th, 2010

Lupin_Snape Fantasy Fest - Claiming Rules & Prompt Lists!

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Be sure to check your claims after I have confirmed them, to make sure I marked off the right prompts for you.

Please read the following claim rules carefully and follow them. It will help me organize the claims lists and keep my sanity. I am taking claims on both IJ and LJ this time around, rather than herd you all to one journal or the other. This means, though, that if you do not follow both claim posts, you might make a claim on a prompt that's already been taken.

So, PLEASE check both prompt posts before claiming. I really hate saying "no" and a claim is not official until I confirm it. LiveJournal Claims Post || InsaneJournal Claims Post

==>This year, there is a drabble/drawable period that begins now and lasts through July 31. No fantasy drabbles my be claimed after July 31. Story and art claims may be posted beginning now (hee!) and ending August 31. In other words, the drabblers are going to keep the community entertained while the story/art people work. However, if a story or art is finished before the end of July, please feel free to post and go back for more claims!<==

Rules for Claiming a Request, including word counts, posting issues and timelines - Read before making a claim )

And now the prompts!

Drabble/Drawable prompts )

Art prompts )

Story prompts )

Deadlines: July 31 for drabble/drawables, August 31 for stories and art

In case it's not clear, the masterlist will reveal who made which prompt. However, once a post has been made, if you wish to reveal yourself as the prompter in your comments, I have no problem with that.

During these next two months, other posts from members are welcome, but everyone is encouraged to participate if interested. There will be no other challenge prompts for July or August, however, we will be offering discussion questions and fun while waiting for the first wave of submissions to hit. If you have any discussions you'd like to see take place, post here or send email.

Finally, thanks to everyone who spread the word about prompts and to [info]karsau_hime for helping me compile the prompt lists (back to the poll if we do this again). You guys are the greatest! *HUGS*

love, lore
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