The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

July 2nd, 2010

July 2nd, 2010

Fantasy Fest 2010! - Prompt Post

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With some tweaking, we are, indeed, going to have a fantasy fest after a two-year hiatus. If you're new to the concept, read on!

What is a fantasy fest?
For our purposes, a fantasy fest is when members of [info]lupin_snape submit Lupin/Snape fantasy prompts for fics, drabbles/drawables and art. Writers and artists later claim the prompts and will return to the community with a story, drabble or piece of art based on the prompt claimed. Prompts remain anonymous until a piece is posted or the masterlist is revealed. The fest is running in July and August this year, and we are going to try for drabbles/drawables in July and stories/art in August.

Prompting, I can do! How?
All about prompting under the cut )

Drabbles? Drawables
This year, July is dedicated to drabble/drawable prompts. Anyone can pick and create a drabble/drawable prompt and post it in July. After July 31, the drabble/drawable period is over with the hope that the creators who took on longer prompts will be ready to post in August. As a creator, you are welcome to participate in both phases of the fest.

For our purposes, drabbles must be between 100 and 500 words. Drawables will be at the artists' discretions. Stories should be at least 1000 words and art more on the finished side.

Again, the prompts will be listed for claiming without prompter's names attached. The idea of a fantasy fest is foremost to offer inspiration while also fulfilling someone's wish. Prompters' names will be revealed in the masterlist, although we will not keep you from letting the creator know when you offer feedback. This is to keep the focus on the ideas and not on individuals. Fantasy Fest is not an exchange.

Deadline for posting prompts: Friday, July 9, 12 p.m. EST

Examples, Limitations, Disclaimers, Warnings & Stuff - Read carefully if this is your first Fantasy Fest )

You can edit your prompts right up until Noon on July 9. Please delete your old post and make a new one.

Rules on participating as a writer or artist will follow when the prompts are posted for claiming. Other questions, comments are welcome - I'll unscreen them as I answer them. I hope everyone will enjoy another year of Snupin Fantasies!

love, lore
P.S. - Please spread the word about this in your journals and other communities. It's been very quiet around here lately. Let's make some noise!

Snupin Remix 2010 Master List

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We had 14 participants and 15 entries because one participant was, well, a little remixed-up! It's not too late to write up some recs for this exchange so some pieces can be shown off in the big newsletters. Let the mods know if you do rec!

I had a great time, and I hope the participants did, too. I think we'll try this again next year, yeah? And now...your remixers!

The master list! )
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