The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

June 7th, 2010

June 7th, 2010

Snupin Remix: Welcome and Gift for Nepenth

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Welcome to the Snupin Remix 2010! We will post one gift for the next three weeks, M-F. Weekends are for catching up! Remember, these are pieces based on original Snape/Lupin works by other creators. All stand alone, but the originals will be linked if you would like to read them. Be sure to comment if you read or view these gifts. Your Remixers hope you enjoy!

Title: Melting like the ice cream
Author or Artist: Miss Remix-a-Lot
Rating: G
Warnings/Disclaimer: OMGcuteness!!
Summary: This takes place just after the original image. In that one, Snape was sneaking a lick off of Remus's ice cream cone. (no euphemism intended). Well, this is a few moments later. Remus has noticed what Snape was doing, Snape grabs Remus's hand and pulls it toward him, and... well, who WOULDN'T melt if they looked over and saw Snape like that, really?
Notes: here is the original image - thanks so much to [info]nepenth for creating it. It's really awesome, and it was a TON of fun remixing it!!

Melting like the ice cream )
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