The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

March 26th, 2010

March 26th, 2010


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More than a little and less than enough by [info]tjwritter
Remus/Severus/Ron, Remus/Severus, Ron/Gideon Crumb, Ron/Draco. NC-17. Slight, intentional canon deviations. 32,000 words.

Sometimes, the way you find what you want, is to first find the things you don't.

When Ron comes out to his family and friends, their reaction is less than enthusiastic. To avoid his parents' disappointment and the uncomfortable looks of his friends, he decides to get away for a bit. He's lucky to meet Remus Lupin, who offers him a place to stay. Imagine Ron's surprise when he finds out just with whom Remus is sharing his life.

I always enjoy stories that show a less-than-perfect wizarding world instead of a paradise for gays. That doesn't mean that the story is sad or its world dystopic, it just shows everyday people with everyday flaws. It's the story of an education. Ron not only sets out to explore his sexuality, he has to learn about his emotions as well, all the while trying to find his place in life.

With Remus and Severus, he has found perfect teachers. I love this Remus. He's every inch the encouraging teacher from PoA, but the mischief-making Marauder still shines through. The way he deals with his complicated lover is just as clever as it is affectionate (and very sexy). The dynamic of Severus and Remus's relationship is fascinating and soon it becomes the center of Ron's life. A wonderful story. I enjoyed every word.
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