The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 5th, 2010

January 5th, 2010


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A gift ficlet for all the mods of the fabulous [info]snupin_santa fest, hosted at [info]lupin_snape. Thank you so much for all the hard work you've put into this festival to make it such a huge success. A wonderful job done by all!

Title: Possession
Author: [info]sweetmelodykiss
Pairing: Remus/Severus (mentions Remus/Tonks)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Severus needs to possess all of Remus.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters herein. All belong to JKR.
Note: Please forgive any mistakes or typing errors. I have been sick and did not have a chance to get this beta read.

Possession )

Thank You fic for ALL the Snusa mods/vols!

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First! A note!
Originally, I intended to do a ficlet for each helpful Snusa mod/volunteer. However, I'm currently waaaay out of state, staying at a hotel until the 15th, and have reliable access only to a laptop that has a virus which regenerates continuously as long as I'm online. Except for this moment as I post this, I've been relying mostly on my iPhone as a means of accessing the net and reading entries (which is also why I'm horrendously behind on commenting on all the Snusa stories). So! Here's something which is a bit longer than a ficlet, and I present it to all of the Snusa team. If any of you feel short changed and would like an individually-catered ficlet (or art or something), let me know. You'll just probably get it sometime after the 15th. ;)

Rating: NC-17 (totally very much NOT WORK SAFE)
Warnings: Bondage, little bit of spanking, talk of prostitution, no beta
Summary: does one summarize a PWP? Cliche of Remus finding a less *ahem* reputable method of earning money.


What better way to thank the Snusa mods/vols than by offering up some smut? )
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