The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 27th, 2008

December 27th, 2008

Story: Remus in Heat, for jassanja

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Remus in Heat, for [info]jassanja
Rated: NC17
Warning: Light bondage
Summary: Snupin Santa for Jassanja based on promp #3, "3) S enters R's rooms to find him wanking and/or frotting against a pillow. R won't stop as S starts to snark around. After some time S finds out that some magic went wrong, and that this is the reason of the ongoing show. Please make it very snarky"
Word count: 1249

Fic Post: War Wounds (COMPLETE)

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This is a little Festivus present for everyone who has patiently followed this story over the past year and a half. Thank you all for your encouragement and patience, and may your Yuletide be bright.

Title: War Wounds
Rating: R
Pairing: Snape/Lupin pre-slash
Summary: War leaves deep wounds on its survivors. Can two men who have lost everyone find a reason to continue?
Note: this story is complete. My thanks to Lore in particular, for giving me the idea and encouraging me.

War Wounds

Art: Lycanthrope's Curse, for xterm

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Lycanthrope's Curse, for [info]xterm
Rated: mildly NWS, suggestion/hint of torture.
Summary: Lupin hates Snape for killing Dumbledore. Snape hates werewolves. That gives Lupin the perfect revenge.

Chat time?

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Anyone for chat?

ART: Underneath the Mistletoe, PG

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Title: Underneath the Mistletoe
Artist: [info]aleoninc
Rating: PG, if that. Seriously.
Pairing(s)/character(s): RL/SS
Summary: Title says it all
Disclaimer: Not my characters
Warnings: Just your typical, barely palatable overdose of schmoop.
Notes: It's a bit stiff, and some of the finer areas of anatomy and perspective have been ignored, but I suppose that is to be expected when you draw absolutely nothing for 9 months. And if you think I'm lying, you should see my sketchbook (except there's nothing to see). See my fellow Snupiners, do no hate me. I have ignored not just the fandom, but art in general - because I suck.

Awwwkward... )
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