The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

August 25th, 2008

August 25th, 2008

Fantasy Fest Art : Prompt #43

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I posted this on Saturday at LJ... Sorry to all those who have already seen it and thank you for the wonderful comments!!

Title: Morning After the Full Moon
Artist: Xterm
Rating: PG
Pairing(s)/character(s): Snape/Lupin
Challenge: Fantasy Fest: 43. -- S & L entwined intimately with the branches of the Whomping Willow. No mustache or facial scars. Like long hair.
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me, wish they did... but all the wishing in the world will not make it true
Warnings: Nope, I'm one of the queens of PG slash LOL
Notes: I realise the desire was to have them intertwined but I rationalized in my brain that Snape would be there helping Remus back from his transformation, so it is intimate but not sexual. Also, no, I did not actually take this and get assigned but I did clear this activity through [info]_lore.

Morning After the Full Moon )


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Well, the Snusa excitement has got the better of me, and so I bring you some Snusa-inspired charts.
It's all [info]skitty_kat and [info]snapelike's fault.

Snupin Santa assignments

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I've completed all the matching, and I've entered all the assignments into my spreadsheet, and so now... assignments are about to be emailed!

Please keep an eye on your in-box over the next few hours, and once you receive your assignment, please don't forget to reply to let the mods know you got it.

I anticipate the process will take about 4-5 hours, and I'll update this post once I've finished sending out all the assignments. If you haven't received your assignment by tomorrow morning, please email snupin_santa @ to let us know ASAP.

ETA: Done! All assignments have been mailed, so if you haven't received yours and don't receive it within a few hours, please let us know at the above email ASAP.

Psst, squire! Fancy a new icon?

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I've just posted some new icons on my journal. Some Snupin, some solo, a couple of other pairings too. Like this:

Find them here!
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