The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

August 21st, 2008

August 21st, 2008

Snupin_Santa: Free prompts!

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In what has become a semi-tradition for the [info]snupin_santa build-up, the chat room got together tonight and brainstormed. Behind the cut are several art and fic prompts that are free for you to use for your [info]snupin_santa sign-up! You can use the prompts as-is or modify them for your own tastes, or use them for inspiration for entirely new prompts.

Just remember, these are for Snupin_Santa participants exclusively until sign-ups are over!

Freebie Prompts! )

If you have any prompts you'd like to release into the wild for others to use, leave a reply with your prompt here. Others looking for prompts will be sure to see it. If you are looking for prompts and decide to take one, reply back here with a link to your [info]snupin_santa sign-up. We'll consider it taken when you actually sign up. And if none of this works for you, feel free to post about the things you like and maybe some kind member will help you out. Good luck, and I hope we see you at the sign-up post! ♥

love, lore

Reminder! Last call!

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You only have two days left to sign up for Snupin Santa 2008! Sign-ups will close on Friday, August 22, at midnight PST (-8 GMT), and I will begin matching participants on the morning of the 23rd. You have all day on the 21st and all day on the 22nd, but that's it!

Sign-ups for Snupin Santa 2008 are here on insanejournal and here on livejournal.

If you've been procrastinating or debating, time is running out, and this will be the last reminder I post! If you'd like to participate, but you're having trouble deciding on prompts, feel free to browse this free Snupin Santa prompt list.

Fic: The High Cost of Living (19)

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Title: The High Cost of Living (19)
Author: Jules Noctambule
Rating: Hard R/soft NC-17 for sexual situations, language and referenced violence.
Pairing(s): Lupin/Snape, past Lupin/Black & Lupin/Tonks, Snape/others
Summary: After the war ends, a disgraced Snape turns to the world's oldest profession to make ends meet.
Disclaimer: If I owned them, the books wouldn't be suitable for children.
Warnings: Prostitution and some of the associated risks.
Notes: Written pre-DH, but I got a few things right so there are some minor spoilers.
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16 17

In my life I have had my doubts, but tonight I think I’ve worked it out with all of them )
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