The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

August 16th, 2008

August 16th, 2008

Fantasy Fest Fic: Sleeping With Ghosts - Part 1/2

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Title: Sleeping With Ghosts - Part 1/2
Author: [info]senjy
Character(s): Roman/Severo (reincarnations of Remus and Severus and therefore slightly OOC)
Rating(s): R overall
Warning(s): First time, Underage (17 year olds)
Word Count: 13,300 overall
Beta: Many thanks to my power triad: [info]dungeons_master, [info]inkgeist and [info]ureima.
Disclaimer: All familiar characters and situations belong to JK Rowling. No profit is being made.

Summary: Long Fic Prompt 29 -- Reincarnation! The boys are given a second chance, they come back in better circumstances fifty years after their deaths. One of them remembers, one doesn't, and the one who remembers wants to act on impulses he couldn't in former life. Happy ending plz
Notes: The title and cut is nicked from a Placebo track I quite like.

Soulmates never die... )

Fantasy Fest Fic: Sleeping With Ghosts - Part 2/2 (R)

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Title: Sleeping With Ghosts - Part 2/2
Author: [info]senjy
Character(s): Roman/Severo (reincarnations of Remus and Severus and therefore slightly OOC)
Rating(s): R overall
Warning(s): First time, Underage (17 year olds)
Word Count: 13,300 overall
Beta: Many thanks to my power triad: [info]dungeons_master, [info]inkgeist and [info]ureima.
Disclaimer: All familiar characters and situations belong to JK Rowling. No profit is being made.

Summary: Long Fic Prompt 29 -- Reincarnation! The boys are given a second chance, they come back in better circumstances fifty years after their deaths. One of them remembers, one doesn't, and the one who remembers wants to act on impulses he couldn't in former life. Happy ending plz
Notes: The title and cut is nicked from a Placebo track I quite like.

Part 1

Part 2 )
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