The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

July 11th, 2008

July 11th, 2008

Lupin/Snape Fantasy Fest - Claiming Rules & Prompt Lists!

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When you come back to this post, check the end for any added edits. Also, don't forget to read over the Fest Rules if you haven't already.

Please read the following claim rules carefully and follow them. It will help me organize the claims lists (and there are 4!! of them now) and keep my sanity. I will be out for about 4 hours after I post this, so if you have questions, answers will have to wait until then. Also, I will fix the spacing glitches then.

Rules for Claiming a Request - Read before making a claim )

And now the prompts!

Art prompts, short )

Art prompts, long )

Fiction prompts, short )

Fiction prompts, long )

During these next two months, other posts from members are welcome, but everyone is encouraged to participate if interested. There will be no other challenge prompts for July or August, however, we will be offering discussion questions and fun while waiting for the first wave of submissions to hit. If you have any discussions you'd like to see take place, post here or send email.

Finally, thanks to everyone who pimped the prompt poll! You guys are the greatest! *HUGS*

love, lore

Fantasy Fest: Short Art Prompt #21

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Title: Lost Mittens
Artist: [info]ehmaz
Rating: G
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Disclaimer: I've never drawn in this style, ever, so be gentle XD
Prompt: 21. -- S and R as kittens that lost their mittens...again a g-rating, not necessarily silly, perhaps Sirius as a third kitten

Fantasy Fest: Short Art Prompt #39

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Title: Or Else
Artist: Serpenscript
Rating: G
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Disclaimer: No one would pay me for this! I do it for fun :)

Prompt: 39. -- Anything with Chibi!Severus and Chibi!Remus and/or Chibi!Moony

**Click for Image** )

Last year I wasn't able to finish my FF prompt. This year it looks like I'm the first to finish one! ^_^
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