The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

July 10th, 2008

July 10th, 2008

Mors Mortis Terminus #6: Light in the Darkness, rated G

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Well, it's been a year, but the muses have finally deigned to speak to me again. Here's the first of 2 new parts to my Mors Mortis Terminus series.

Title: Light in the Darkness

Author/Artist: Geminia

Rating: G

Pairing(s)/character(s): Remus, Tonks, Lupin/Snape implied

Summary: Between the pages of DH, there was another story....

Sequel/Series: Mors Mortis Terminus -- follows ‘The Show Must Go On’

Disclaimer: Jo owns them, but threw them away, so they're ours now, dammit! No money made. No kiddies or animals harmed. Fair use/parody, etc. and so on.

Warnings: Nothing specific this chapter, other than playing fast and loose with canon.

Notes: Another "missing scene" from my personal canon for the book. While each is complete in and of itself, it is part of a greater whole and will hopefully serve as backstory for my own epilogue to the book. Thanks as always to my lovely alphas, Lore and Xochi.

Light in the Darkness )

Art: I Don't Think We're in Surrey Anymore

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Y'know, I was going to be doing something else. But then, as I walked home, the crackbunny bit me. It's the fault of my mp3 player for having not only The Wizard of Oz and Wicked soundtracks on it but The Wiz too.

Title: I Don't Think We're in Surrey Anymore
Rating: probably PG or so for language
Characters: Snape, Lupin, Harry...
Notes: I'm sorry...

I Don't Think We're in Surrey Anymore )

Mors Mortis Terminus #7: Darkness Must Flow, rated PG

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Title: Darkness Must Flow

Author/Artist: Geminia

Rating: PG

Pairing(s)/character(s): Severus, Lupin/Snape implied

Summary: Between the pages of DH, there was another story....

Sequel/Series: Mors Mortis Terminus -- follows ‘Light in the Darkness’

Disclaimer: Jo owns them, but threw them away, so they're ours now, dammit! No money made. No kiddies or animals harmed. Fair use/parody, etc. and so on.

Warnings: implied torture (some canon, some not)

Notes: Another "missing scene" from my personal canon for the book. While each is complete in and of itself, it is part of a greater whole and will hopefully serve as backstory for my own epilogue to the book.

Darkness Must Flow )

FICLET: Snupin Meme

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Snupin Meme
Author: [info]geri_chan
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 611
Disclaimer: No money is being made off this story; consider it a little wish fulfillment on my part.

Summary: Inspired by this meme by dacian_goddess on the Portus Envy LJ (there's also a [info]portus_envy here on IJ). Prompt: Severus can't get somebody's clothes off fast enough (or vice versa).

Follow the fake cut to my journal

Portus 2008

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Is anyone planning a Snupin get together here at Portus? Anyone interested in planning to get together?

Fantasy fest prompts wanted!

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See you in the chat room to brainstorm?
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