The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

April 24th, 2008

April 24th, 2008

Family Fest: What If , G

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Title: What If
Rating: G
Warning: crack!
Summary: McGonagall is Snape's mother.
A/N: Not for any prompt in particular, I just had to do this... sorry

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Snupin Shopping List Challenge

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Not long ago, I shared this funny experience I had at the grocery store in my journal. In a comment on that post, [info]inkgeist came up with the idea for this challenge! [info]lore suggested I post it here as a part of the continuing month-long celebration of the [info]lupin_snape anniversary! *confetti toss*

So, here is the challenge. Write a shopping list for Remus, Severus, both of them, or any version of their family. Give us a grocery list, or list of errands, or anything that gives us a little insight into their lives. Utter crack to dark tear-jerkers welcome!

Post your list as a comment to this post. :)
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