The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

April 1st, 2008

April 1st, 2008


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I've been making icons out of some of my art for the lovely [info]blpaintchart and got carried away so I thought I'd share them!


Find the rest here at my IJ

A Day at the Beach (SS/RL) PG-15 [Family Fest 08]

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A Day at the Beach

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: PG-15 (frottage mentioned)
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Summary: The brisk wind should have been cold, biting even through the layers of enchanted wool and silk, if the wizard had wrapped himself in them and not been surrounded by lovingly layered protective charms. Still…he wouldn’t have missed this for the world…the sight of his children cavorting with their stern Daddy was a gift every day and he’d cherish it like a wise man ought.
Challenge: Written for the Lupin_Snape 2008 Family Fest.
Word Count: 1, 977
Genre: EWE, Romance, Fluff
Warnings: Schmoop, Original Characters (children)
A/N: This is a snapshot fic, a slice-of-life after the War.

A short holiday finds Severus and Remus, with the family, at the seaside.
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