The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

March 26th, 2008

March 26th, 2008


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Hello all! As the mod of [info]snupin100 I'm popping in to announce another one of our special challenges. Next Tuesday we will have reached our 150th challenge. To celebrate we will be having a competition (with prizes) for the person who writes the most drabbles and who draws the most drawbles, on our chosen theme. This time round that is Snape v. Lupin - you have to choose Snape or Lupin and write/or draw about their relationship from that character's point of view.

The sign-up post and more information can be found at our insanejournal here or at our livejournal here. I am asking for this challenge only that participants pick one journaling site for the duration of the challenge and only post there (purely so I don't end up counting the same entries twice!) After the challenge is finished you can repost to the other journal.

The challenge will start next Tuesday when I declare it open and finish at midnight the following Tuesday (UK time).
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