The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 19th, 2008

February 19th, 2008

Snupin_Prophet volunteers

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As you might know, [info]scribbulus_ink is on an extended vacation from the [info]snupin_prophet for at least half the year. I have some wonderful volunteers helping me gather links from the areas McKay (Scribbulus) always monitored. They're doing a great job - in fact, we'd have no Prophet without them! So anytime you want to pat [info]westernredcedar, [info]nehalenia, [info]stasia, and [info]kellanine (she holds my hand) on the back, please do, they deserve it!

However, even volunteers need a break once in a while. So, if anyone is game for gathering drabbles this week, please let me know in reply here. I'd need a text file with html coding sometime on Sunday (February 24). The communities on the Drabble beat are: [info]snupin100 (on IJ and LJ), [info]snape100 (IJ & LJ), [info]lupin100 (IJ & LJ) and [info]hp100 (which is only on LJ). This beat can be surprisingly fast to compile; only Snupin100 is dedicated solely to Snupin. I need the links in the following format:

<a href="link">Drabble Title</a> by <lj user="username">. Rating, any warnings.

You should be able to copy and paste that line into whatever program you like and replace the parts. If a drabble series comes up, put the parts (part 1, part 2) with individual links in the same line. So: Title, part 1(with the first link), part 2(second link), part the last(last link), by username. Rating, any warnings.

In other Prophet news, I could use one or two more volunteers who would like to go through the Prophet friends lists on LJ and/or IJ. If anyone is interested in helping out long-term, again, please reply! This is a great way for people who don't feel they have creative contributions (although *I* think everyone here is creative in her/his own ways) to get involved with helping the Snupin ship run.

Thanks, everyone! The next issue of the [info]snupin_prophet will be out sometime tomorrow!

love, lore

Moonshadow update

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The following stories were added to Moonshadow, the Snape/Lupin archive, during the past week:

To Catch at Hope (89 K)
Author: mnemosyne1

Song of Mourning, Song of Hope, Song of Joy (44 K)
Author: firefly124

Title: Cross-Dressing Up (0 K)
Author: nimrod_9

Title: Luminous Passage (1 K)
Author: nimrod_9

Title: Twins (0 K)
Author: nimrod_9

Title: The Wedding (0 K)
Author: nimrod_9

Title: The Pitch (10 K)
Author: nimrod_9

Title: To Sleep (0 K)
Author: nimrod_9

Title: At The Pond (0 K)
Author: nimrod_9

The archive is located at

Rooms of the Heart (SS/RL) R

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Rooms of the Heart

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: R
Pairing: RL/SS
Summary: Severus Snape finally found a home.
Challenge: Written for the Coming Home Snitch-A-Thon of TSS, May 2006; reposted for Cliché Month 2008.
Word Count: 2,050
Genre: Romance, First Time,
Warnings: Spoilers
A/N: The original story (with an R-rating) resides at my LJ and on TSS III; this version is tad more sexed-up. There are some clichés in here that just begged to be shared once more especially with the folks at [info]lupin_snape and [info]bymoonlight.

"Mmm...what's that smell?"

Some of you may have seen this a couple of years ago. My thanks if you check it out once more.

notice cross-posted to [info]lupin_snape & [info]bymoonlight
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