The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 15th, 2008

February 15th, 2008

Art: Be my Valentine, G

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Title: Be my Valentine
Rating: G
Summary: Lil pic for Valentine's Day (you could even say it's for the Cliche Month as well, what with the chocolate and blushing-like-a-virgin!Snape and the strange setting that could be in a matchmaker!Albus plot)!

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Title: Lover’s Lane
Rating: R
Word Count: 896
Pairing: Remus/Severus
Warnings: sex toys, mentions of m-preg if you squint
A/N: inspired by Texas finally allowing the sale of sex toys. Article here . I don’t live there, but I have some cousins who will probably appreciate the change. Although not written for the fest, cliché themes this fic includes insecure!severus and bottom!severus. Many thanks to the wonderfully talented </a></strong></a>[info]blpaintchart for beta and brit pick.  All remaining errors are mine!!

Trading Places fic: Song of Mourning, Song of Hope, Song of Joy, PG

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Title: Song of Mourning, Song of Hope, Song of Joy
Author: [info]firefly124
Pairings: RL/SS, also RL/NT, SS/LE
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~8200
Summary: In the face of what seemed to be the ultimate betrayal by the man he loved, Remus accepted the comfort being offered to him. Things seem a bit clearer after death, and he strives for the chance to make things right.
A/N: Trading Places fic for [info]skitty_kat’s compelling picture, Bribing the Ferryman. I went a bit afield from the written prompt that went with it, but I hope you’ll like it, [info]skitty_kat! Many thanks to [info]ubiquirk for beta-reading and helping me find my way out of some of the corners and plot holes I wrote my way into, and to [info]saracen77 for Brit-picking. Any remaining errors are mine.

Song of Mourning, Song of Hope, Song of Joy )

Trading Places: Pensieve [G]

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Title: Pensieve
Challenge: Trading places - for [info]psyfic's wonderfully angsty More Than This.
Rating: G
Warnings: None

'So. You want me to show you what truly happened. You want to know if I am truly a traitor and deserving of Azkaban...' )

Trading Places FIC: Makes Jack a Dull Boy (G)

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Title: Makes Jack a Dull Boy
Author: Omni (aka rip_von_christ on lj)
Rating: G?
Word count: 1,226
Challenge: Trading Places. Fic inspired by [info]dancingskeleton's totally adorable art Hiza Makura (Lap Pillow).
Notes: This is a non-magical AU. For some reason the pic made me think of them as police detectives and the thought would not go away.
Summary: All Severus wants to do is focus on the case. All Remus wants to do is Severus. *cough* I mean sleep. All Remus wants to do is sleep.

A spring day, a bench, and two off duty detectives... )

Trading Places Fic: 'Small Hope in All Things'

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Title: 'Small Hope in All Things'
Author: Jules Noctambule
Rating: R
Warnings: Spoilers for DH; off-screen character death (but not Snape or Lupin!).
For [info]skitty_kat's elegant Wolfskin Rug -- I hope this 'ending' to DH pleases her!

You will come face to face/with that darkness and desolation/and the endless depression/but you are not helpless/and you are not helpless/I’ll help you to try to beat it )
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