The Lucius Malfoy Fuh-Q-Fest
blonds have more fun
25th-Feb-2008 07:47 pm - FIC "A Stirring Tale" Lucius/Harry [NC-17]
Does better late than never apply here? God, I hope so.

Title: A Stirring Tale
Author/Artist: [info]sweetsorcery
Rating: NC-17, very much so
Pairing: Lucius/Harry
Summary: The great sorcerer Lucius Malfoy leaves his hapless, but very charming, apprentice to his own devices, for just a little while. What could possibly happen?
Warnings: AU, ooc-ness, innocent!Harry, object penetration (by a transfigured object with an attitude), mild d/s, pimpcane worship, voyeurism, double penetration, rimming, felching (except not), inadvertent Parseltongue... Jesus Christ - I think that's it
Prompt: Twisted Fairy Tales: The Sorcerer's Apprentice, aka The Master and His Pupil - the gist of which, if you don't know it, can be had here
Notes: Please don't archive anywhere outside this fest.

14th-Feb-2008 10:42 pm - FIC: Put the Lime in the Coconut LM/HP
Title: Put the Lime in the Coconut
Cyane Snape
Characters: Lucius Malfoy/Harry Potter
Warnings: Slash, M/M Graphic Sex, language, Cyane-canon Lucius [i.e.OOC]
Prompt: A stuffed parrot, the color turquoise and the sound of a coconut hitting someone on the head
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: about 2400
Summary: A poolside bartender often gets more than an eyeful when the hotel guests have some fun.
Author's notes: Title comes from the Harry Nilsson song “Coconut” and has nothing to do with the story, except for the coconut. Part of the first annual Lucius Malfoy FQF, held at InsaneJournal, at luciusfqf.
Put the Lime in the Coconut )
4th-Feb-2008 08:11 pm - Fic: How it all Began - Lucius/Harry - R 1/1
Title: How it all Began
Author/Artist: [info]suki_blue
Rating: R
Pairing: Lucius/Harry
Summary: Concerned that a mysterious dark wizard is trying to recruit his son, Lucius hires Auror Harry Potter to investigate.

Warnings: Pure and utter crack

Prompt: Lucius is forced to hire an Auror for protective detail, as many disgruntled citizens make attempts on his life due to his escaping a future in Azkaban

Beta'd by [info]amejisuto

How it all Began )
20th-Dec-2007 04:42 pm - FIC "Harry and the Highwayman" Lucius/Harry [NC-17]
Title: Harry and the Highwayman
Author/Artist: [info]sweetsorcery
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Lucius/Harry
Summary: By escaping his vile relatives, Prince Harry comes face to face with unexpected dangers. Will he lose his life - or his heart?
Warnings: AU, innocent!Harry, light d/s, crossdressing, skirt!sex, rimming, semi-public sex, dirty talk, a bit of sappiness... it's a very explicit bodice ripper, really ;)
Prompt: An ornate dagger, the colour pink and the sound of hooves.
Notes: Please don't archive anywhere outside this fest.

Harry and the Highwayman )
20th-Dec-2007 03:03 pm - The Art of Human Bondage
Title: The Art of Human Bondage
Author: [info]stonegrad
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Lucius/Harry, Lucius/Regulus, Lucius/Sirius, slight Lucius/Narcissa
Summary: He is restless as a wolf in the winter night, hollow, hungry, haunted. To him, sleep comes in uneasy patches; he always has one eye open...
Warnings: Dark!fic, dub con, glimpses of physical abuse during childhood, hate!sex, allusions to character death.
Prompt: Someone has maliciously transfigured Lucius into a ...
Notes: I'm actually absurdly proud of this piece - plus the fact that I just adore dark!sexy!dominant and slightly sadistic Lucius. Headers from Shakespeare’s Henry IV, act 4, scene 5. Thanks to [info]melfinatheblue for the beta. Has no association with the book or the movie of the same name.

This first introduction to flesh encourages the taste for blood. )
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