Jan. 7th, 2013


Gotham City...again (Open)

Enigma groaned softly as she rolled over, her hand reaching out for her husband, frowning as she realized that Bruce wasn't laying in the bed with her. She raised her head, pushing her hair from her face...and realizing she wasn't in their bed off the Dutchman's clinic.

In fact, she was in her bed from Boston. In the middle of her hideout in Gotham.

"Fucking bitch!" she cursed as she fell back against the bed. She had switched world three in her life, and only once she was awake for it. She knew Dutch, and the sadistic bitch of a ship would not have given her a room like this, when she had a perfectly functional one in the ship's clinic.

Which meant she shifted worlds again.

She slid from the bed, grabbing Bruce's shirt from the floor, glad that had at least transferred over, before finding her slippers from when she was sixteen and leaving the room.

It was...odd. To find things from two different lives, neither that she actually currently lived in one place. Her gun next to her school books...her father's cane with her mother's umbrella's.

She returned upstairs, opening her closet...and was faced with the reality of her duel lives. School uniforms mixed with her costume mixed with her...more exposed clothing mixed with what appeared to be some of Bruce's clothing.

Gotham City...Again )