Jul. 23rd, 2010


Dignity (tag: King Charles)

Fred would admit it. She was excited. And a little trepidatious given that if she were caught, it would create a whole world of problems for her, not the least of which being the ruination of her reputation and possibly her marriage. But it wasn’t as though she hadn’t take chances like that before. Just her experiments alone would cause her a great deal of problems. Besides, teaching a man to read was a really worthy thing to do. )

Dec. 25th, 2009


Winter Wallk [tag: Miles]

Charles was really enjoying his day. It was cold, a certain peaceful crispness to the air. It signified a time of year when things around him died, such as the leaves on the trees and the grasses. Though most would spark back up a bit of green in the months to come. It was the dark time of the year. A time of the year to spend with those dear to you and cuddle up close to the fire.

Except Charles wasn’t at home. He was out and about. He was the type that needed to get out, no matter the weather, and get fresh air.

This air was more than fresh. It was cold. There was a light layer of snow and frost on the ground, not anything significant yet, it was too early for that. But just enough that it crunched beneath his boots as he walked along.

“Hullo there,” he called, seeing a figure in the distance. Charles waved a bit. It was strange to see someone out and about this time of year. Perhaps it was someone who needed assistance that he could provide.

Jul. 9th, 2009


Casual Ride [open]

Charles road casually through the countryside, pleased with the weather and the state of affairs at home. Everything was well. His wife was wonderful, the kingdom was wonderful... life was wonderful. It didn't seem as if a single thing could bring him down and truthfully, he didn't want to seek out something that would succeed. He would simply enjoy the fact that it wasn't raining, the sun was out and everything was in full bloom.

He was dressed as a peasant today, clothes not befitting a man of his stature. It was intentional. It was how he learned what the peasantry truly thought of him. He knew well enough what those who lived close to the castle thought, they were ever present and ever vocal. But those in the lowlands, those who didn't always make it to affairs of state, those were who Charles wanted to hear opinions of. And so to speak to them as one of them, he needed to move among them as one of them.

Beard unshaven, as was commonplace, and little groomed. The horse he was astride was not his favorite grey and white steed, but a standard bay mare that was rarely ridden. Provisions kept with him were very little. Nothing to show that he was of royal standing in a peasant's guise. Even though that's exactly what he was.

He whistled as he rode along. A tune that lacked a standard melody... just a string of sounds put together in a merry sort of way, passed his lips. Though it was hard to whistle when a smile was so firmly planted on his face.

Life was indeed wonderful.

Apr. 7th, 2009


Spring Parade (tag: King Charles)

Fred wasn’t sure what she was doing here. Well, she was. In a sense. She knew that she’d been sent to represent her husband’s family at this function. Though that in itself was a bit odd, because it wasn’t like her monster-in-law was proud of the girl her son had married or anything. So Fred could only conclude that this must not be a terribly important event.

But in the more immediate sense, the princess wasn’t certain what she was supposed to be doing at the moment. Right now, she was standing on a platform, smiling in a perfunctory way, watching the parade unfold before her. People were passing before the platform, marching in uniform, waving holiday banners decorated with streamers and flowers. Occasionally they would wave, and Fred was wondering if she was supposed to wave back or not. She just didn’t know. They didn’t do this sort of thing where she came from, a spring holiday parade. Or if they had, her parents had done the honors.

She had to admit, if she wasn’t so nervous about what she was supposed to be doing, she might actually be enjoying it. It was a lovely day, there were bands and apparently a big picnic planned for afterward. Though with a retinue trailing her today, she probably wouldn’t be able to be as open about her pleasure as she would were she alone. Fred always sort of suspected they were there less to serve her and more to spy on her for her husband’s mother. But with several other royals here as well, it would look odd if she was not attended properly.

At that moment, a particularly adorable little girl with curly pigtails and big blue bows walked past. And with a very big smile, she waved at Winnifred. The princess couldn’t help herself this time, and her hand lifted to return the greeting enthusiastically. From behind her, she heard one of the ladies in waiting give an embarrassed cough just as another of them sighed. Fred dropped her hand hastily, fighting the blush she could feel creeping across her cheeks, hoping nobody else saw her gaffe.

When was this picnic supposed to start? She could really use some pie.

Oct. 2nd, 2008


Some Days Are Just Like That (tag: open)

It had always been quite the dilemma.

Buttons had been sitting in the grass, watching a little caterpillar climb his way up a stick. Such a pretty little caterpillar, sure to some day grow into a beautiful butterfly. Or at least a pretty moth. She couldn't have been sure why he'd chosen this particular stick, since it was just sitting there, sticking out of the ground, and didn't lead anywhere at all. So when he reached the end, she very considerately turned it over gently, giving the small creature time to turn around and head the other way. She'd giggled with delight as they played the game over and over, until she saw the robin a few feet away, obviously eying up her new friend.