In These Stones Horizons Sing

A Torchwood Panfandom RPG

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Skipped Back 20

November 20th, 2008

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WHO: Gabriel Gray & Peter Petrelli
WHAT: Gabriel goes to talk to Peter. Truly talk to him this time.
WHERE: Torchwood Cells
WHEN: After his conversation with Claire
RATING: PG-13 [just in case]
STATUS: In Progress

He'd gotten himself under control. )

November 19th, 2008

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WHO: Gabriel Gray & Claire Bennet
WHAT: Guilt has overcome Gabriel, and he needs someone to talk to. Claire is the first viable person that came to mind.
WHERE: Claire's Flat
WHEN: November 19th; Afternoon
RATING: PG-13 [just in case]
STATUS: In Progress

Gabriel hadn't really been sure what to think about the information that his mother had given him yesterday except that it would have been appreciated before he killed all of those people for their abilities. )

November 9th, 2008

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WHO: Jack & Jenny, Ianto & Jenny
WHERE: Hub shooting range
WHEN: Late night
RATING/WARNINGS: PG-13 for some...well, you'll see...
STATUS: Ongoing

She was getting that itch. That itch that said she had to go out and be doing something. Not that Cardiff wasn't nice and not that the people weren't. And her father was even here. But things were just...dull. Uninteresting. Repetitive. Even with the aliens and Masters and everything.

She just had an itch.

It was one of the reasons she'd ducked into the shooting range after everyone appeared to be gone. Her dad wouldn't be pleased, was an empty target, not a person.


It helped clear her head. Give her focus. Try to ignore the way that she just wanted to activate the wrist band and go somewhere, somewhen else.


She wanted to tell her dad to take her somewhere. Just for a few days. A week, maybe. Or go off without him. Just for a few hours. Something. Anything.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

But how could she really do that? She'd asked Jack to let her be part of Torchwood. She'd all but promised her dad to give him a chance to make things right.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

All eight shots from the 9mm, straight through the heart.

November 8th, 2008

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WHO: Merlin & Arthur.
WHERE: Arthur's room.
WHEN: Directly after this.
RATING/WARNINGS: PG for some language and Merlin's slashy thoughts.
STATUS: Complete.

This worried him. )

November 7th, 2008

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WHO: James Bond and Ianto Jones
WHERE: Near Cardiff Castle.
WHEN: November 7. Evening/Night time.
STATUS: In progress.

James was failing to see the funny side... )

November 6th, 2008

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WHO: The Doctor and Jenny.
WHEN: November 6
STATUS: In progress.

"C'mon, Dad. Pick up."

She'd gone and come back from her meeting with Ianto. She'd seen the call to arms. And now she actually had to talk to him. Except he wasn't answering the bloody phone.

"I swear, if I have to come track you down..."

Of course, that would imply that she wasn't already walking in the direction of the last place she'd seen the TARDIS. She double backed a few dozen times and made sure that she wasn't being followed before she finally reached it. And it was still there. Breathing a sigh of relief, she let herself in.

"Dad! I have to talk to you." She started walking around to where he normally was. Hopefully, she'd find him somewhere.

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WHO: Ianto and Jenny.
WHERE: A small coffee shop.
WHEN: November 6.
STATUS: In progress.

They both needed to focus on something other than a psychotic Time Lord )

October 28th, 2008

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WHO: Elle Bishop and Jack Skellington
WHERE: Getting ice cream in town!
WHEN: Tonight, probably around 8:30-ish.
RATING/WARNINGS: Jack is extremely energetic and upbeat by nature, so maybe that? I’m going to go PG-13 just to be safe.
STATUS: Incomplete

Ice cream cures what ails ya...hopefully. )

October 25th, 2008

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WHO: Owen Harper & Jenny
WHAT: The not-so-standard examination of the Doctor's daughter and former dead woman.
WHERE: Torchwood infirmary
WHEN: Saturday late-morning
STATUS: In Progress

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WHO: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray & Peter Petrelli
WHAT: Sylar pisses off Peter. Peter decides he has had enough.
WHERE: Sylar's Room
WHEN: After this
STATUS: In Progress

Gabriel had been attacked by something weird when coming home from being out this afternoon. It had just been getting dark, and he'd taken a shortcut through an alleyway. He hadn't expected something to jump out of nowhere and try and savage him. He'd thrown it off rather easily with his telekinesis, but it hadn't been discouraged. By the time it finally was put off, he had blood on his hands again, but it wasn't human this time. He wasn't even sure what it was. He'd returned to his apartment and cleaned up before trying to get some answers from the other people here.

Instead, he'd ended up bickering with Peter like he had the last time they had spoken. The other man was still stubbornly determined that nothing was wrong, that he wasn't going to do anything, that he wasn't going to let himself become a monster. Peter was ridiculously stubborn, and it was going to get him into a lot of trouble one of these days. After replying to Peter that last time, Gabriel pushed his chair back away from the computer and raised a hand to pinch at the bridge of his nose. If they were just going to end up screaming at each other each time they tried to talk, Gabriel couldn't think of how he was possibly going to get Peter to understand what was happening to him.

And, despite every feeling that he had had prior to being told who he was, he actually cared about Peter's well being. They were brothers in some sense. They were family. How could he not care?

October 18th, 2008

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WHO: Gabriel Gray, Peter Petrelli, & Claire Bennet
WHAT: Family Fun Times. Or, just a very complicated dinner.
WHERE: Gabriel's Apartment
WHEN: After this
STATUS: In Progress

Gabriel wasn't really sure exactly what he was expecting. )

October 15th, 2008

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WHO: Owen Harper & Katie Russell
WHAT: Owen moves Katie into her temporary residence. At least, until he can find a place of his own.
WHERE: The Torchwood Flats
WHEN: Mid-afternoon
STATUS: In Progress

It was more than just a time machine. It was a miracle. )

October 14th, 2008

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WHO: Jack Harkness and Jenny
WHERE: Jenny's place and then, um, the nearest Indian restaurant in Cardiff? Yes
WHEN: Early evening
STATUS: Unfinished

So, Jack was on his way to the room Jenny had been assigned, the keys to a car he'd procured for their drive in his jacket pocket. He knew that would probably make her happy, and he was in the business of making the residents under his care happy.

He cleared his throat and adjusted the lapels of his old military coat, brushed some imaginary lint off the sleeve and then brought his fist up to knock at her door. Then he took a step back and waited politely for her to answer the door.

October 11th, 2008

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WHO: Jenny (Open)
WHERE: Millenium Centre
WHEN: Late afternoon
RATING/WARNINGS: None as of yet
STATUS: Unfinished

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October 10th, 2008

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WHO:The Doctor and OPEN
WHEN: Late afternoon
RATING/WARNINGS: None as of yet
STATUS: Unfinished

Contrary to what many of his companions may assume, it's quite easy to remain incognito while visiting places. Trouble doesn't always follow the Doctor around, like a scrap-starved mongrel. His appearance isn't always an oncoming storm, complete with explosions and death tolls explained away by anxious administrations.

No one ever talks about the calm points in between, the brief moments he could pretend that nothing was wrong in the universe. Where he and his current companion --

He was alone now. He could only reiterate that this was for the best. Even now, when he was investigating disturbances with the Rift in Cardiff, only a stone's throw from Torchwood Three, he took care to conceal his presence, hiding the Tardis in backalleyways, and investigating at odd hours. No one would expect to find a Time Lord out in Cardiff at three in the afternoon.

October 7th, 2008

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WHO: Owen Harper & Ianto Jones
WHAT: Owen isn't dead. It is a very surprising development for everyone involved.
WHERE: Cardiff; Roald Dahl Plass
WHEN: Afternoon
RATING: PG [unless Owen starts swearing]
STATUS: In Progress

Time is relative. )
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