In These Stones Horizons Sing

A Torchwood Panfandom RPG

The Log Community


October 10th, 2008

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WHO:The Doctor and OPEN
WHEN: Late afternoon
RATING/WARNINGS: None as of yet
STATUS: Unfinished

Contrary to what many of his companions may assume, it's quite easy to remain incognito while visiting places. Trouble doesn't always follow the Doctor around, like a scrap-starved mongrel. His appearance isn't always an oncoming storm, complete with explosions and death tolls explained away by anxious administrations.

No one ever talks about the calm points in between, the brief moments he could pretend that nothing was wrong in the universe. Where he and his current companion --

He was alone now. He could only reiterate that this was for the best. Even now, when he was investigating disturbances with the Rift in Cardiff, only a stone's throw from Torchwood Three, he took care to conceal his presence, hiding the Tardis in backalleyways, and investigating at odd hours. No one would expect to find a Time Lord out in Cardiff at three in the afternoon.
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