15th Jul, 2009



Please run the friend button; Chantal has taken on Priscilla Malfoy ([info]myperfectson), Caitlin has taken on Ali Basher ([info]gallopinghordes), Ashley has Grizel Hurtz ([info]deceptively), Brooklyn has Dempster Wiggleswade ([info]dear_dempster), Madeline has taken on Barnabas Cuffe ([info]sensationalism, and please welcome Liz to the game with Andrew Mulciber ([info]andrewmulciber)! :)

RANDOM LOG ASSIGNMENTS (due by August 15th)
Minimum 500 words, situational (be creative!), CANNOT BE CRACK LOL, and MUST involve dialogue between your characters (not just evil eyes and inner-monologue)!

1) Lucius Malfoy and Doris Crockford

2) Alastor Moody and Severus Snape

3) Ludo Bagman and Xenophilius Lovegood

4) Charity Burbage and Rodolphus Lestrange

5) Arthur Weasley and Bertha Jorkins

Activity check will be posted tomorrow when I get up. :)

14th Jul, 2009


A few things!


1. Because it is probably lost to F-List's of Doom, DMLE interview funtimes are all ready to go! Details for posting are there; don't hesitate to ask if you have questions/concerns. :)

2. To those waiting for applications to be processed, I apologize for the delay--we'll be getting new characters integrated within the next couple of days. Everything in RL always seems to get hectic when there's a bunch of things to do in-game :-/

3. Reminder that there'll be an Activity Check tomorrow! Additionally, tomorrow is the close-out date for character applications outside of the community. From tomorrow onward, new characters will come from inside the community (unless players are referred by one of you guys :)).

4. In case you missed this month's calendar, there's still a few things open here for your volunteering pleasure. Random log assignments will be posted here in the OOC (later today, after some sleeeeeeep).

PLOT-WISE: With the recent developments with Ed/Prewetts/Weasleys/Remus, the gala assassination won't be proceeding atm. Saving Sirius can be scratched off the menu (lol, meaning that it's planned, not that Sirius is stuck as Super Purist Yay forever :D), and the Dark-army massacre will continue when Tyra's back from her hiatus.

I think that that's it for now--more updates in the near future :)

- Alie

15th Jun, 2009


Hey all! Mod!Robyn here.

Regarding the Narcissa kidnapping plot. So far as I figure, Narcissa knows most DEs because of the fact that everyone around her is a DE. Plus, before her father died, he figured he was head of the Black household and inner circle and thus untouchable and used to do cocky things like invite all the DEs over for dinner and then plotting or maniacal laughter to celebrate recent successes. Which would mean Narcissa would know pretty much everyone.

So! If there's a reason that she wouldn't know your DE character was a DE, please comment here. Even if she WOULD know your character is a DE, please comment here with to show you understand that means the Order may very well be getting confirmation they are, as mentioned, a DE. Also, any feedback regarding your character getting ousted can go here too.

That means, all players with DEs, please comment!

Comments will be screened. Thank you!

***Please note! Just because the Order finds out doesn't mean there'd be any immediate or noticeable repercussions. The Order has no power over many of them. Mostly it would just be giving them a list of people to watch. The Order currently has no one high enough in the Ministry to effect any change.

1st Jun, 2009


Weekly Plot Prod, Recap & Housekeeping

Please read the following and comment on the entry once you have, so we know that everyone is aware of what's going on. :) Thank you! )

27th May, 2009


All right, as you've seen in various posts lately, Rosalind has been ordered to find a way to get Moody in trouble so that he can be either fired or demoted when the reshuffling reaches the DMLE. It happened this morning.

Here's what went down:
Moody got his divorce paper and arrived drunk at the Ministry. Seeing that, Rosalind sent the pre-written dictaquill anonymous note to Crouch Sr., who came to the Aurors office and found Moody like that. As they don't like each other much, it didn't go very well, as you can guess. Moody's fate as Head of Aurors isn't decided yet, but it doesn't look good.

Any character who would have been there (Aurors, Amelia, etc) are welcomed to go ahead and react to it all. We didn't like doing a log NPCing a character that might eventually be picked up, so we thought it'd work better this way.


Chantal and Caleb


Hi! So I talked with Alie and for this weekend's DE duelling practice, I'm going to try and do a sort of OOC/IC log thing since obviously all of us trying to log with each other is just going to be insane.

My plan is that on Saturday I'll throw up a post that will be a short summary of what they're doing. (Basically they're all out on the grounds of Lestrange Manor and Bella's going to pair them off for the first round. After that, anyone who is still standing can fight who they want. She won't issue much in the way of guidelines except that they need to set the rules of their own duels.) Anyone who wants to do an actual log of their fight can obviously feel free and post it in the comments, or you can just work it out with your duelling partner to figure out who won, injuries, etc. And I want to give a few days head start to people who want to log and like gdocs and stuff so I figured I'd do the pairings now.

Let me know if any of these don't work for whatever reason! (Rick, I paired your characters up with each other because I'm assuming you're still going to be on hiatus, but let me know if you want in and I'll switch that up!)

Bellatrix Lestrange - Rabastan Lestrange
Rodolphus Lestrange - Augustus Rookwood
Lucius Malfoy - Severus Snape
Leoben Yaxley - Thorfinn Rowle
Rosalind Jugson - Christian Avery
Regulus Black - Alecto Carrow
Amycus Carrow - Barty Crouch Jr.

16th May, 2009


Hey! Anna here... I just put up the thread for poker night at Dung's. I know that there's a lot of you (I did remember everyone, right?) and that trying to rp a poker game might get insane, so I was thinking that we have everyone thread a round of introductions, and then maybe maybe stop the "real" threading as Dung deals the first hand, and maybe move to just simple ooc comments as to what your character did, i.e. who lost/won how much money after that.

What do y'all think?

13th Apr, 2009


OKAY SO. Invites to the party go out tomorrow afternoon in game. Just a quick note about it since I might not be around too much tomorrow to explaiiin.

The invites are addressed to played characters only, however, any top tier families and most tier two families, aside from any known blood traitors, are invited. That means if your charries get invites, likely their parents will be there too, as will other family members who are worthy. Keep that in mind as far as NPCs go! (The only exception to this is the Carrows. Their family is boo hiss pureblood, and it'd be known to all, probably, that the twins are only there because they're Narcissa's friends. I think it's common knowledge that she lets them ride on her coattails, so while it's nothing new and shocking, it may still be a topic for discussion.)

Furthermore, because it's a celebration for him being given MoM, all department heads (Head of DMLE, for example, but not Moody because he's head of Aurors, which is a branch of that department) would be invited out of obligation, regardless of blood status. She can't get around that one.

It is an unspoken understanding that everyone can bring a plus one!

Feel free to NPC any characters you'd like. In Narcissa's mind, though this is somewhat last minute, people damn well better attend. There'll be like, at least a hundred people there, give or take. Don't be shy to use lots of random people if it helps for fun times.

NOTE TO ALL: Alie and I are both going to be quite busy earlier in the day, Pacific time, so we're posting both the article and the invites tonight. However, please bear in mind that both will, in reality, not exist until Monday in game. Thanks! Any questions, just ask!
