Nov. 1st, 2008


New Affiliate: Parsel/Slash

I'd like to announce a new affiliate: the Parsel/Slash Yahoo Group!

It's a HP/TMR and HP/LV fangroup, and membership is moderated to reduce spam- if you join, please answer the question on the front page.

Jun. 21st, 2008


New Affiliate: Parsel Fest

For those of you who are in to HP/LV or HP/TMR, I'd like to present the Parsel Fest- a HP/LV fic exchange. 

[info]parsel_fest § [info]parsel_fest § [info]parsel_fest </lj>

Come join us for the gift exchange celebrating the pairing of Harry Potter/Tom Riddle-Lord Voldemort! All ratings and threesomes, moresomes, and other pairings welcome, as long as Harry/Tom-Voldemort is the focus pairing. Sign ups start on June 29; posting starts on the Autumn Equinox.

Rules and more information

Sep. 15th, 2007


Feedback, plz?

Hi there!

Your friendly neighbourhood maintainer here, looking for feedback on the asylum! I'm trying my best to make this asylum as useful and user-friendly as possible, but I'm only one person, and an overworked one at that- so, obviously, there are going to be places that I fall short. To combat that, I'm looking for feedback. This could be any concerns you have, links you want to see added, complaints or criticisms, or whatever.

So, any suggestions? Questions? Comments? Concerns?

(you know, that sounded a lot more upbeat than I feel at the moment...)

Sep. 4th, 2007


Permanently Insane! & Call for maintainers

First of all- an announcement: I have upgraded the asylum to "permanently Insane" status!

Secondly, I'm looking for help. Now that school's starting up, I won't have as much time to devote to maintaining hp_slash_recs, and I'm looking for people who are willing to help out, especially as my computer has been giving me problems and I may have very limited internet access for a couple of weeks should it die on me again.

Let me know if you're interested in helping, and I'll give you more details.

Aug. 29th, 2007



I'd like to announce that we have our first affiliate, </a></strong></a>[info]weasleytwins!

If you would like your asylum to become an affiliate, please leave a comment on this post.

And, getting completely off topic, why am I the only one posting recs? Part of the reason why I wanted to start this asylum was so that I could find new stories to read, too! *pokes other members*