The Harry Potter Index

About Recent Entries

Jun. 24th, 2008 @ 10:38 pm
Asylum to be added: [info]team_darklord

Short description of what this asylum dedicated to: Recs of all sorts related to Voldemort and Tom Riddle delivered on a weekly basis! we scour everything, from IJ to LJ to DevArt to to fictionalley. We also seek out international sites for fanart and fanfic.

Category/ies this asylum is to be listed under: Specific Characters or Groups, fanfiction, fanart, news

Anything else you would like us to know: Please watch or friend the community and not join it. We support all pairings and gen. We also welcome recs be it through email or comments within the posts. So support the Dark Lord and perhaps he shall spare you in the years to come!

Feb. 5th, 2008 @ 05:13 pm
Asylum to be added: [info]ginny_love

Short description of what this asylum dedicated to: [info]ginny_love is for fans of Ginny Weasley. Fic and art/graphics are welcome (all pairings and gen, as long as Ginny plays a central part).

Category/ies this asylum is to be listed under: Pairings/Ships, General Discussion, Fan-Fiction, Art, Icons, Specific Characters or Groups

A Harry/Marauder community Feb. 3rd, 2008 @ 01:08 pm
Asylum to be added: [info]harry_mwpp

Short description: harry_mwpp is a community for stories, art, and other content that focuses on interaction between Harry Potter and one or more of the Marauders (Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black, and James Potter). We accept both slash and gen. If your on-topic fic or art contains het, that's fine too. The important thing is that the Harry/Marauder relationship is central to the work.

Categories this asylum is to be listed under: Fan-Fiction, Art, Icons, Pairings/Ships, Specific Characters or Groups


[info]hp_het Jan. 19th, 2008 @ 01:15 am
Asylum to be added: [info]hp_het
Short description of what your asylum dedicated to: Anything het (i.e., involving heterosexual pairings) in the HP-verse! That includes fanfiction, fanart, fanmixes, icons, discussions...whatever!
Category/ies this asylum is to be listed under: Fanfiction, Art, Discussion, Icons, Pairings/Ships
Anything else you would like us to know: Anyone who wants this asylum to affiliate with theirs can comment here!

hp_femmeslash Jan. 13th, 2008 @ 04:05 pm
Asylum to be added: </a></strong></a>[info]hp_femmeslash
Short description of what this asylum dedicated to: A site for girl on girl fan-fiction and art based on those magical girls and women from the Harry Potter Universe.
Categories this asylum is to be listed under: Fan-fiction, art, movies
Anything else you would like us to know: All ratings of fiction and art are welcome.  Please see the guidelines on the User Information page for more details.

Not a Spare: all things Cedric Diggory Jan. 4th, 2008 @ 10:07 pm
Asylum to be added: [info]not_a_spare: all things Cedric Diggory
Short description of what your asylum dedicated to: A community for anything related to Cedric Diggory, this includes fiction, art, manipulations, vids, and general discussion. In order to combat fandom fractionalizing, this comm brings it all together ... as long as it has to do with Cedric. Fiction? Any pairing welcome here (het or slash) -- or none. Any rating, any length. Visual art? Same deal. Discussion? Have at it. One-stop shopping for Cedric.

Category/ies this asylum is to be listed under: art, icons, fanfiction, pairings/ships, specific character or groups
Anything else you would like us to know: Because this is one-stop shopping, politeness reigns. Please. That means if it's not your pairing or preference, don't read or look at it. Adult Material is welcome, but if your story or visual contribution contains it, please so indicate and place behind a cut.

mortalmoon Jan. 4th, 2008 @ 10:34 pm
Asylum to be added: </a></strong></a>[info]mortalmoon
Short description of what this asylum dedicated to: A Remus/Harry-centric fanfiction community, with bi-weekly drabble prompts as well.
Category/ies this asylum is to be listed under: Pairings/Ships, Fanfiction, Art
Anything else you would like us to know: Members must be over 18.

[info]hp_springsmut Jan. 3rd, 2008 @ 12:29 am
Asylum to be added: [info]hp_springsmut
Short description of what this asylum dedicated to: Springsmut is the annual springtime Harry Potter Rarepair Exchange. You'll find het, slash (f/f and m/m), incest, cross-gen, bitextuality, threesomes, moresomes - kinks and squicks of all kinds. Our community sub-title is 'Cause baby we were born to porn' for a reason! However, the one thing that you won't find are popular pairings, as the idea is to not only create lots of fun porn - both art and fic - for the participants and our viewers, but to create variety.
Category/ies this asylum is to be listed under: fan-fiction; art
Anything else you would like us to know: Sign-ups are held in mid-December, and posting begins on March 1, running throughout the rest of the month.

Jan. 2nd, 2008 @ 10:52 pm
Asylum to be added: [info]harry_gen_fics
Short description of what this asylum dedicated to: Gen fics and art that feature Harry in some form
Category/ies this asylum is to be listed under: fan fiction, art, specific characters or groups
Anything else you would like us to know: No slash or het allowed unless it is a minor part of the fic/art. Harry can be in a relationship, but the fic/art can't be about the relationship.
Current Mood: accomplished
Current Music: David Letterman

[info]betweenfriends Jan. 2nd, 2008 @ 08:07 pm
Asylum to be added: [info]betweenfriends
Short description of what this asylum dedicated to: Dedicated to fanfic, fanart, and essays or discussion about the trio including all pairings found within. (Harry/Ron, Harry/Hermione, Ron/Hermione, and Harry/Ron/Hermione)
Category/ies this asylum is to be listed under: Fan-fiction, Art, Pairings/Ships, Specific Characters or Groups
Anything else you would like us to know: Feel free to rec others' works as well, or post older fic and art. I mod the asylum with [info]quite_grey and feel free to contact either of us with any questions.
Other entries
» (No Subject)
Asylum to be added:[info]satin_pillows
Short description of what this asylum dedicated to:The pairing of Harry and Lucius
Category/ies this asylum is to be listed under:Pairings.ships,art.

Asylum to be added:[info]twilight_lucius
Short description of what this asylum dedicated to:To the pairing of Lucius and Severus.
Category/ies this asylum is to be listed under:Pairings/ships and art.

Asylum to be added:[info]malfoy_dreams
Short description of what this asylum dedicated to: To the pairings of Lucius and Draco.
Category/ies this asylum is to be listed under:Pairings/ships and art.
Anything else you would like us to know:no Non con allowed.
» (No Subject)
Asylum to be added: [info]snapeartcontest
Short description of what this asylum dedicated to: [info]snapeartcontest is a bunch of people drawing 'Snapish' versions of famous paintings, HP situations, monthly themes, and whatever strikes our fancy. Although the word "art" is in the title and our monthly activities are billed as contests, there is little competition and being funny is valued more than artistic talent. Members are a friendly group who share an interest in poking fun at Severus Snape and/or using his image to create visual humor. We generally encourage use of an online painting program, ArtPad. Everyone is welcome.
Category/ies this asylum is to be listed under: Art, fan-art, humor
Anything else you would like us to know: The community is active on LiveJournal, but we would love to see participation on IJ, too.

» [info]harry_s_hutch
Asylum to be added : [info]harry_s_hutch
Short description of what this asylum is dedicated to: Is an asylum for all things crack in the Harry Potter fandom be it art or fic, het, slash, gen, all pairings are welcome as long as they tickle funny bones!
Category/ies this asylum is to be listed under: fan fiction or art
Anything else you would like us to know: Oh I’m the mod over there and I get to use the nifty mod icon *points to icon*
» [info]socanon_hp
Asylum to be added: [info]socanon_hp
Short description of what this asylum dedicated to: [info]socanon_hp is an asylum for appreciation of all things canon in HP. This means canon shipping, canon characterization, etc. Fic and art/graphics are welcome.
Category/ies this asylum is to be listed under: (I'm going to list all the categories [info]socanon_hp could possibly fit under as a sort of blanket attempt properly categorize it as, aside from the focus on canon, it is a little general...) Pairings/Ships, General Discussion, Fan-Fiction, Art, Icons
Anything else you would like us to know: I'm the mod there. I also have another, multi-fandom/non-fandom asylum called [info]friend_me, which hosts friending memes. Currently, there are memes for Harry Potter, the series, Ginny Weasley, Draco/Harry, and Harry/Ginny. Mod, if you feel this too should be archived/indexed as a HP asylum (given that HP is represented in its multi-fandomness...), let me know and I can either edit this entry to include it or post a new one for it...
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