April 21st, 2013

08:17 am
[info]atdelphi: FIC: "The Vultures of Love" for lyras

Recipient: [info]lyras
Author/Artist: ???
Title: The Vultures of Love
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Irma Pince/Argus Filch, Minerva McGonagall/Severus Snape
Word Count: 13,000
Medium: Fic
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View): *Language. Lots of naughty language.*.
Summary: None.
Author's/Artist's Notes: I had one of your prompts all picked out and was about to start in on it, when I got attacked by this idea and it wouldn't let go. I do apologize, and hope this is also to your liking.

The Vultures of Love

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