May 21st, 2010

12:26 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: FIC: "Sod Off" Means "I Love You" for kinky_kneazle

Recipient: [info]kinky_kneazle
Author/Artist: [info]anguis_1
Title: “Sod Off” Means “I Love You”
Rating: R
Pairings: Severus Snape/Millicent Bulstrode/Dennis Creevey
Word Count: 6,227 words
Warnings: Umm . . . you did read the pairing, right? And you’re aware this exchange is for characters of dubious popular attractiveness?
Summary: It begins and ends with the camera. Snapshots of life, and the living thereof.
Author's Notes: This fic takes place about 5 years after DH (so Dennis is, indeed, of age).

“Sod Off” Means “I Love You” )

12:32 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: ART(x 3): "Barfly," "Sweet Dreams," Roll in the Hay" for Chazpure

Recipient: chazpure
Author/Artist: [info]venturous
Title: Barfly, Sweet Dreams, Roll in the Hay
Rating: G, PG, R
Pairings: Aberforth/Severus
Media: pencil
Warnings: goat voyeurism
Summary: Young Severus drowns his sorrows at the Hog's Head, and finds not only a listening ear, but a friend, with benefits!
Author's/Artist's Notes: I loved researching this and drawing it for you, Chazpure! Thanks to S for the inspiring discussion of what this pairing could be, and lots of love for bethbethbeth for making this magical fest happen!

Barfly )

Sweet Dreams )

Roll in the Hay )

12:40 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: And that's a wrap!

With the posting of "Barfly"; "Sweet Dreams"; "Roll in the Hay" (ART, Aberforth Dumbledore/Severus Snape) and "Sod Off" Means "I Love You" (FIC, Severus Snape/Millicent Bulstrode/Dennis Creevey), Beholder participants and other community members/visitors have until Monday, May 24 (when the Authors and Artists names will be revealed) to catch up on reading, viewing, and commenting! (those of you who haven’t started commenting yet might consider checking out the stories and art from the most recently posted and working your way backwards)



One more order of business: Back on February 5th, when thoughts of the catastrophic earthquake suffered by the Haitian people was fresh in everyone's mind, I pledged $1.00 (US) to Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières for each story and work of art posted in this year's HP Beholder Fest. With our last story and the trio of art pieces posted today, this year's Beholder total stands at 60, and I've just made my $60 donation to DWB/MSF.

A number of people stepped up to the plate and made variations on my pledge (yay!!), so to make things easier for those folks, I'm going to give some totals. Note: everybody's totally free to decide when they're going to contribute, how much (feel free to increase the amount you're giving *g*), and to which charitable organization.

* [info]meri_oddities, who's matching my donation of $1.00 for each story/artwork completed and posted in this year's exchange. (60 x 1.00)
* [info]r_grayjoy who's pledging .50 for every slash piece posted in this year's exchange. (21 x .50)
* [info]venturous, who's pledging $1.00 for every work that includes Snape in this year's exchange (12 x 1.00)
* [info]ragdoll, who's pledging .50 for every het or femslash piece posted in this year's exchange. (38 x .50) (*note: see below for the event ragdoll's donating to and consider lending it your support!)
* [info]atdelphi, who's pledging $5.00 Canadian for each story that features Argus Filch in the main pairing. (3 x 5.00)
* [info]torino10154, who's pledging $1.00 for anything with Eileen or Tobias and $.50 for anything with Severus. (3 x 1.00 and 12 x .50

(the numbers of het plus slash plus femslash don't equal the total number of stories and art because some work had multiple mixed-category pairings)