May 20th, 2010

01:07 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: FIC: "Beauty Is: a not-quite-love story in four bars and one hotel" for omens

Recipient: omens @ DW
Author/Artist: [info]krechet/[info]seatbeltdrivein
Title: Beauty Is: a not-quite-love story in four bars and one hotel
Rating: NC17
Pairings: Sirius Black/Eileen Snape
Word Count: 2747
Warnings: Age discrepancy (Sirius is 18, Eileen is…40-ish? She’s a cougar, we’ll just say), drinking, bar hopping, sex, body image issues, extremely vague hints at an abusive past relationship (guess who?), bizarre drunk humor, almost anonymous sex
Summary: “Eileen was always told she’d never be her own person, and she agreed. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t wander outside the lines on occasion.” A night on the town, Sirius Black, and juvenile discussions. Eileen learns that there’s a life beyond her ex-husband, and Sirius just loves all women everywhere.
Author's/Artist's Notes: I know you said you hated infidelity in fics, so I wanted to note ahead of time that Eileen has divorced Tobias in this. I hope you enjoy it! :) And just fyi, the song Sirius butchers is “Heart of Glass” by Blondie, which may or may not have been popular in the UK in 1980. I’m pretending it was.

Beauty Is: a not-quite-love story in four bars and one hotel )

01:10 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: FIC: "Air Heart" for leela_cat

Recipient: leela_cat
Author/Artist: [info]magnetic_pole
Title: Air Heart
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Minerva McGonagall/Rolanda Hooch (background Minerva McGonagall/Walburga Black)
Word Count: 7,814
Warnings: None
Summary: Minerva McGonagall takes flight.
Author's/Artist's Notes: Leela, you mentioned that you were interested in alternative explanations of canon events. I hope this fits the bill. Thanks to S for beta assistance, and all of my appreciation to our fearless mod for her support and patience and for continuing to support this wonderful fest.

Air Heart )