Fri, May. 21st, 2010, 12:26 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: FIC: "Sod Off" Means "I Love You" for kinky_kneazle

Recipient: [info]kinky_kneazle
Author/Artist: [info]anguis_1
Title: “Sod Off” Means “I Love You”
Rating: R
Pairings: Severus Snape/Millicent Bulstrode/Dennis Creevey
Word Count: 6,227 words
Warnings: Umm . . . you did read the pairing, right? And you’re aware this exchange is for characters of dubious popular attractiveness?
Summary: It begins and ends with the camera. Snapshots of life, and the living thereof.
Author's Notes: This fic takes place about 5 years after DH (so Dennis is, indeed, of age).

“Sod Off” Means “I Love You” )