May 12th, 2008

[info]laylah in [info]het_challenge

het challenge: what next?

First, to those of you still working on things for Thursday's deadline -- good luck! I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

Second: how do you guys feel about a new round? Do you want a new round to start up after this one's done, or is everyone feeling challenged out and in need of a breather?

...If you do want a new round sooner rather than later, what kind of format would you like to see? I am probably not up for running another exchange (ficathon, reversathon) right away; they're very stressful to moderate and I think I need a little time to recover from this one before I go diving in again. But I'm up for just about anything else -- would you like something where people submit/claim prompts? Something based around themes? Something else you've run into in another community, and think it would work out well over here?

Toss some ideas my way!