April 19th, 2008

[info]laylah in [info]het_challenge

[admin] how's it going?

Hey there, guys!

How are your [info]het_challenge assignments going? Do you need to drop any requests you took? Do you want to pick up any that you didn't? I'm planning to offer up the unclaimed prompts to interested parties in a few days -- probably on Wednesday night, April 23.

Comments to this post are screened -- please comment here if:

a) you want to change the assignments you accepted, either to add or to drop.

b) you want to be on the mailing list for the unclaimed prompts (you can do this whether or not you signed up). make sure you leave me an email address!

Good luck with your pieces!

[info]puella_nerdii in [info]het_challenge

Quintessence of Dust (Digital Devil Saga, Roland/Argilla)

Title: Quintessence of Dust
Author: [info]puella_nerdii
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: language, meta meta meta
Wordcount: 5050
Prompt: Argilla/Roland. "'What a piece of work is man', and all that--I don't expect you to know the rest, but the first thing humanity did was wonder what the fuck it was."
Summary: Our deeds make us who we are. Roland, Argilla, and the kind of late-night discussion of Hamlet that can only happen when it's the end of the world.

Quintessence of Dust )