August 15th, 2007

[info]sister_coyote in [info]het_challenge

Materia Bright (Final Fantasy VII, Rude/Elena)

Title: Materia Bright
Author/Artist: [info]sister_coyote
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Rude/Elena
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sex. Some violence.
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII - Rude/Elena. They're undercover on a mission in a nasty part of Junon. Their cover is blown and they have to break out by any means necessary. Action is great. Post-action smut is great too.

Elena realizes that the job's gone bad when she sees her hosts -- 'hosts' -- moving in along the walls of the restaurant with more speed and determination than is really seemly. )

[info]sister_coyote in [info]het_challenge

Total Lech (Final Fantasy VII, Cid/Tifa)

Title: Total Lech
Author: [info]sister_coyote
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Cid/Tifa
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: FFVII, Tifa/Cid. "Anywhere but the bar, all right?" (Fairly open request, interpret quote as you see fit. Make 'em get it on or not as you like, but any circumstance that will prompt Cid to new heights of creative profanity would be glee!)

Tifa counted herself lucky that, in most ways, she liked her job, but some days were better than others. )