Apr. 5th, 2009


Team EWE Prompt 12: Keep your friends close, and your enemies stupefied

Title: Harry Learns A Lesson
Team: EWE
Author: [info]tmkline
Prompt: 12. Keep your friends close, and your enemies stupefied.
Wordcount: 2,146
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Kissing, fluff, mentions of violence.
Summary: Harry is helped to prepare for a guest lecture at Hogwarts.
Author's Note: Many thanks to [info]smirking_muse for her wonderful beta skills.

Harry Learns A Lesson )


Team AU Prompt 12: Keep your friends close, and your enemies stupefied

Title: The Magical Mystery Tour
Team: AU
Author: [info]teganscrush
Prompt: 12. Keep your friends close, and your enemies stupefied.
Wordcount: 15,010
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Minor language.
Summary: The Magical Mystery Tour is the must-see show of the Wizarding world, but when a new act joins up, events take a sudden and potentially deadly turn. Leave it to Harry Potter and his literary hero to save Draco Malfoy, and the day as well.
Author's Note: I am hugely indebted to my betas, the brilliant [info]joanwilder and [info]whymyzcal who were unfailingly patient and kind while I wrestled with this story. Thank you both so much!

The Magical Mystery Tour )


Team Epilogue Prompt 12: Keep your friends close, and your enemies stupefied

Title: Sealed With A Kiss
Team: Epilogue
Author: [info]silverdragon87
Prompt: 12. Keep your friends close, and your enemies stupefied.
Wordcount: 4,300
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.
Summary: Nearly four years after the war, Draco Malfoy has tried his best to move on, but when the Minister of Magic gives him an offer he can't refuse, Draco finds himself trying to get a reluctant Harry Potter to rejoin the wizarding world.
Author's Note: Written as a series of letters.

Sealed With A Kiss )

May 2009



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