October 2013




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Oct. 8th, 2013


I was dragged away from Europe for Pumpkin Picking?

Oct. 7th, 2013


I made pumpkin pie! Who wants some?


October 5th

I've been here a day and I think I've already been stalked. I didn't see him... He was there though. Some sort of ghost maybe but I don't know for sure. He left presents for me around the place too. It was kind of creepy....

Oct. 6th, 2013


I was just exploring! I thought maybe the door of my greatest fear would lead me home because Demons really can be jerks sometimes (I would know), but nooo, it was actually the door to hell.




October 4th

This squash is on fire. This squash is on fi-rrrre. No? Ah well. Anyway, WHO THE HELL THREW A FIERY JACK-O-LANTERN INTO MY FRONT YARD?! You burnt some of my watermelon plants. Someone's gonna get the Gallagher.

On a creepier note, there was a message in said burning pumpkin: "More came through the tear between worlds than you could ever guess. Don't settle in. There's plenty to come."

But I've already unpacked...


The flaming pumpkin was most distressing and I need something to distract myself.

I wish to offer my services as an iconographer and if anyone would like to have pictures taken, I will be at the town square in the morning at dawn time, the forest around noone time and in the field of fake straw men at night. The moon will make a beautiful scene of light and dark with the scary straw men and pumpkins. Bring your owne costumes, please.

Oct. 5th, 2013


[ Filtered to Spike ]

My roommate is having sex with the Headless Horseman and my brain will never be unbroken.

You're in the mortuary, right? Where? And if you say "near the dead people" I'm going to make you hurt.

[ /Filter ]


I did not do it! I was beheading squirrels for my friends in the forest for dinner and have many many people who may vouch for my placement.

The squirrels here, they are terrible.


I caught a flying pumpkin, too. Is this some sort of joke, around here?

There was a message, it said not to settle in. There were still things to come. It sounds like we could be in danger. I do hope everyone's being very careful. This is still a strange place, friendly as everyone is.


Good afternoon. My name is Jyuushiro Ukitake. I am a captain in the Thirteen Court Guard Squads of Soul Society, a Soul Reaper, and so my particular area of expertise is assisting spirits. However, I've chosen to assist local law enforcement while here. Please, if there is anything I can do for you, let me know. I would be happy to do what I can to make this experience as safe and positive as possible for all of us.


Can someone tell me where I can find a vial of blood?

And what a Black Ribboner is?


Some sort of fricking flaming pumpkin just came through in the asylum. Fire should be out now. Everyone alright otherwise?

Frickin' weird town.

Oct. 4th, 2013


Now who let all the freaks in?


backdated to thursday

Half those black and white flyin' witch wannabes have no chance at winning the race that's going on in town. Watching them fly by in slow motion's barely worth waking the tits up for with no skin in the game. I like a little skin. Maybe you're psychic, maybe you're a seer, maybe you just like to get the blood flowing in your veins before you get it sucked out of you at Hemogoblin, or maybe you want to make some quick bucks. Maybe you just like gambling. So here's how it goes, cock suckers and muffin divers. You think you can call the shots? Put your money where your balls are.

Step into the ring and cock fight. That's right, if you want to make a bet, I'm your gal.

[OOC: odds on whoever is participating... feel free to comment if your character is/what the odds should be on them.]
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Marvelous place, absolutely marvelous. I do apologize if anyone has come to see me during the day, but I haven't quite figured out how to be alive at that time. I do apologize for any inconvenience.


Does this place have waffles? Because I'll be really sad if there isn't any waffles.


While D's catching a bat nap (get it?) I'm taking over and introducing myself.

Yeah, I'm a talking hand. Go ahead. Take that fact and run with it.


Could someone [...] Could someone please help me?

I'm afraid I've become lost. I'm quite frightened.


I don't remember reading anything about this when I was researching the Accession. Usually the books are fairly accurate. Does anyone have any information that could be helpful?

Oct. 3rd, 2013


Well isn't this interesting.

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