October 2013




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Oct. 3rd, 2013


[Locked to the Trio]

Jack says he wants us to be very helpful and kindhearted this year.

Giving them extended tours of the deepest part of the forest and letting them find their way back is helpful, right?


Hello, guests! I hope everyone's settled in. Isn't Halloween Town beautiful this time of year? The falling leaves, the blood-red sunsets, the spider webs shining so beautifully in the moonlight!

I have an exciting announcement to make, if you'll care to lend an ear! Every year, the residents of Halloween Town have a broom race, and this year, the residents have kindly agreed to open up participation to you. Just let me know here if you're interested; while we'll allow anyone to sign up, it's not a simple course! Last year alone there were three beheadings - crazy! So I suggest that if you don't have experience with brooms, it might be best to cheer your friends on from the ground.

Brooms will be provided, of course! The race is next week. Make sure you practice, practice, practice! Oh! And before I forget - please let me know if you have any medical experience. We usually need that!

Only 28 days left until Halloween!

[ Warded to Lock, Shock, and Barrel ]

And I would hope this goes without saying, but I want none of your usual troublemaking this year! We're not going to have a repeat of last year's mess, do you understand? You behave, and make sure Oogie's bugs behave as well!

[ /Ward ]

Oct. 1st, 2013


Well now.

This is certainly fascinating.

I must say, this is not what I was expecting.


This is ridiculous, if they're going to kidnap us all you'd think they'd have room for us all instead of making some of us live in a damn forest. I'm not having it, thank you very much.


Needy you stupid bitch, you can't aim worth shit.

Aug. 30th, 2013
