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[16 Sep 2017|03:27pm]

Just looking for players to bring in their unique characters at [info]islingtonmods
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X-Project - An Expanded X-Men Movieverse RPG [09 Jun 2017|12:25pm]



Established in May 2003, X-Project is a journal-based RPG now on Dreamwidth. We use a combination of in-character journals and email/IM logs. There's a number of settings for a range of play, whatever your preference, and the slate has been wiped clean on all of our available and retired characters.

In January, 2015, X-Project underwent a relaunch, which expanded the pool of usable concepts to all of the Marvel properties, regardless of who holds the licence. Using the X-Men franchise as a base, we are now pulling in elements from the MCU, Spider-Verse and other properties.

Check out the Wiki and the unplayed characters page to see what's available. Readers are highly encouraged! If you're looking for X-Men-based entertainment, X-Project welcomes you to read along and enjoy the ride!

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Looking for a Game [27 Nov 2016|11:19pm]

Character[s] wanted: Original, specifically this one (Herrick Turner)
About me and what I want in a game: I have been RPing for a really long time, coming on 21 years now. I'm a writer and IJ has always been a fun outlet for me in meeting new people and staying busy interacting with multiple characters all at once which I've always adored. Well, I left for a couple of years and now when I return everything's different - hopefully in a good way but I've completely lost touch with anyone who ever knew me and since most of my movement between games came from word of mouth I'm at a bit of a loss.

I'm looking for a game that is compromised of OC's. I'm not against a game that has a premise based off of a book/movie/tv series. I want a game that is active. My definition of active is a lively community with multiple IC/journal entry posts a day with players who return tags multiple times a day - players who sit down to write and don't just pop on to tag posts and then leave again for the day.

I would love a game where I can play this guy, my friendly neighborhood Herrick Turner. In my time on IJ I've modded several games and my concern is someone might check out his profile and worry about godmodding or gary-stu territory but I promise that's not the case. He is a vampire from the Roman Empire, current drug pusher and ne'er do well. Herrick would fit in with a game that would be in need of a good villain - the charismatic you love to hate him sort of weirdo. If you think you have anything where he would fit or just a good OC based game please let me know.
What I don't want in a game: I do not want a game that is fandom filled. For example: a Harry Potter game with Harry Potter characters from the series I am uninterested in. A Harry Potter game filled with original characters that follow the constraints of the Potterverse is fine.

I also wouldn't be interested in a game with a huge amount of world-specific backstory that would be hard to get get caught up on.

I am not interested in PWP games.
Where do you prefer? IJ/LJ/GJ/SCRIBBLD/OTHER: IJ. Googledoc for a PSL
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[27 Nov 2016|08:27pm]

About me and the character I play: I'm James, and I currently play three characters here at Islington Prep: Lena, a junior and a twin with a difficult home life; John, a freshman and the heir to the Islington fortune; and Georgie, a musical rebel with a cause.
Character wanted to fill an SL & why: I'd love some friends for any or all of my kids! Actually, I'd just love more people to play against, period!
Game to join: [info]islingtonmods
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[14 Apr 2016|09:53am]

About me and the character I play: I play Wonder Woman as well as an OC named Riata. Riata is a flesh molder. She can cause healing or pain but she prefers pain and is not a villain or a hero. She's more interested in playing with her powers and finding someone that can keep up with her.
Character wanted to fill an SL & why: Batman for Wonder Woman and to complete the Trinity. A canon or an OC for Riata. She wants someone that is interested in pain, giving and taking, isn't picky on looks, though she's Eliza Dushku PB, and is in general a Neutral Chaotic kind of person. Or, if they are a baddie or hero and can try and give her some direction. Riata works in a morgue right now and is a clubber, liking the darker clubs and hitting up some S&M swaps and munches from time to time though most humans can't keep up with her.
Game to join: [info]jlu_mod
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Looking for mutants! [28 Jun 2015|08:07pm]

Your Muse: Daytripper/Amanda Sefton.

Community: [info]x_project/ X-Project
Fandom: X-Men movieverse (X1 and X2 specifically)
Canon: Marvel movies and comics - we do a blend of the X-Men movieverse, with the MCU and Spider-Man films and Marvel comics properties, put through the 'realism' filter of the movies.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Movie
PB: Anyone not on this list.

Contact via: (PM, comment, ect)

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X-Project - New Characters Available For Applications! [28 Apr 2015|08:59pm]

Your Muse: Daytripper/Amanda Sefton.

Community: [info]x_project/ X-Project
Fandom: X-Men movieverse (X1 and X2 specifically)
Canon: Marvel movies and comics - we do a blend of the X-Men movieverse, with the MCU and Spider-Man films and Marvel comics properties, put through the 'realism' filter of the movies.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Movie
PB: Anyone not on this list.

Contact via: (PM, comment, ect)

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X-Project - An X-Men Movieverse/Marvel RPG [31 Mar 2015|08:57pm]


Community: [info]x_project/ X-Project
Fandom: X-Men movieverse (X1 and X2 specifically)
Canon: Marvel movies and comics - we do a blend of the X-Men movieverse, with the MCU and Spider-Man films and Marvel comics properties, put through the 'realism' filter of the movies.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Movie
PB: Anyone not on this list.

Contact via: (PM, comment, ect)

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Looking for a game. [10 Mar 2015|06:53pm]

Hello! My name is Julia and I am looking for a home for Albus Severus Potter. I have played him at various ages over the years, but I'd like to stick between ages 15 to 20 for the moment. I realize Harry Potter specific games are rare these days (and I didn't see one where he is currently available) so I am open to pan-fandom games that have patience for a newbie to that world. You can get a feel for him here. I also play him extensively at [info]mostlypotter. I use Logan Lerman as the PB so bonus points for the face being available.

I am well over legal age in all countries, on EST, and fairly active although I have a full-time job so I am not on every day (just most).

Feel free to leave me a comment if you like! ♥
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X-Project - An X-Men Movieverse/Marvel RPG - Open for Applications [08 Feb 2015|08:37pm]

Post-relaunch, X-Project is reopening for applications on February 15, 2015, with a new world and clean slate for our unplayed characters!

Your Muse: XP's cast of lots.
Muse wanted: GAMBIT, STORM, CANNONBALL, MULTIPLE MAN and plenty of other unplayed socks looking for homes, with or without previous history!

Community: [info]x_project/ X-Project
Fandom: X-Men movieverse (X1 and X2 specifically)
Canon: Marvel movies and comics - we do a blend of the X-Men movieverse, with the MCU and Spider-Man films and Marvel comics properties, put through the 'realism' filter of the movies.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Movie
PB: Anyone not on this list.
Contact via: (PM, comment, ect)
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[02 Sep 2014|03:00pm]

Various requests for different games!

[info]welcomemod - Panfandom, set in the OUAT!Verse - More OUAT characters (Mulan, Henry, Cinderella & her Prince) and Harry Potter!Verse characters, too (Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Tonks, Harry Potter).

[info]ftshadesmods - Multi-generational HP!Verse - Founders (Gryffindor & Slytherin), Cho Chang, Augusta Longbottom.

[info]theconductor - Panfandom - Elsa of Arendelle, Whoniverse characters (Doctors, Clara, Donna, Martha).

[info]thecupmods - HP!Verse quidditch-centered - English, Irish, Scottish, and Welsh quidditch players!

[info]yearabovemod - HP!Verse first year - More Hufflepuffs.

[info]conflit - HP!Verse marauders era - More future Order members, more neutral characters.
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LOOKING FOR A PLAYER TO FILL AN SL: [22 Aug 2014|12:10am]

About me and the character I play: I'm Alison and I will be playing competitive Hufflepuff Benjamin Macnair, highly political Demelza Robins and muggle-born geek Luke Hammonds.
Character wanted to fill an SL & why:
Demelza wants to see more Gryffindors! We only have three, with five slots still to fill.
For Benjamin I want someone who will give a hard time about his dad, Walden Macnair (who Ben isn't keen on either, incidentally).
Luke wants some more geeky friends to geek with. He could also do with a bully, because he's a shy dorky little muggle-born with silly hair.
Game to join: [info]yearabovemod The Year Above is a long-term trio-era, school-based Harry Potter game tracing the entire Hogwarts career of the year above Harry. This means that, yes, our characters are starting the game aged 11.
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[11 Jul 2014|10:10am]

Character[s] wanted: Blaise Zabini from Harry Potter
What I want in a game: Looking for a post war Harry Potter game or a panfandom that needs HP characters to interact with those they already have.
Where do you prefer? IJ/LJ/GJ/SCRIBBLD/OTHER: IJ or LJ

Character[s] wanted: Ygritte from Game of Thrones
What I want in a game: Panfandom, preferably something fantasy based.
Where do you prefer? IJ/LJ/GJ/SCRIBBLD/OTHER: IJ

Character[s] wanted: Gemma Morrow from Sons of Anarch
What I want in a game: Throw it at me and I'll take a look
Where do you prefer? IJ/LJ/GJ/SCRIBBLD/OTHER: IJ
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X-Project - seeking players! [02 Jul 2014|09:59pm]

Your Muse: XP's cast of lots.
Muse wanted: MAGMA, ICEMAN, WASP, RICTOR and plenty of other unplayed socks looking for homes!

Community: [info]x_project/ X-Project
Fandom: X-Men movieverse (X1 and X2 specifically)
Canon: X-Men movies and comics - we do a blend of most Marvel property, put through the 'realism' filter of the movies.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Movie
PB: Anyone not on this list.
Contact via: (PM, comment, ect)
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X-Project - seeking players! [01 Jun 2014|10:38pm]

Your Muse: XP's cast of lots.
Muse wanted: BUTTERFLY, WICKED, JUSTICE, DJ and plenty of other unplayed socks looking for homes!

Community: [info]x_project/ X-Project
Fandom: X-Men movieverse (X1 and X2 specifically)
Canon: X-Men movies and comics - we do a blend of most Marvel property, put through the 'realism' filter of the movies.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Movie
PB: Anyone not on this list.
Contact via: (PM, comment, ect)
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[25 May 2014|04:34pm]

About me and the character I play: I've some kids, but this is mostly for the comm's Cast of kids
Character wanted to fill an SL & why: Wanted lines because most of those lines have been on there since the game opened and it would be nice to see some filled!
Game to join: [info]lasvegasnev
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X-Project - seeking players! [27 Apr 2014|05:30pm]

Your Muse: XP's cast of lots.
Muse wanted: MAGMA, HAVOK, BUTTERFLY, ANOLE, SIRYN and plenty of other unplayed socks looking for homes!

Community: [info]x_project/ X-Project
Fandom: X-Men movieverse (X1 and X2 specifically)
Canon: X-Men movies and comics - we do a blend of most Marvel property, put through the 'realism' filter of the movies.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Movie
PB: Anyone not on this list.
Contact via: (PM, comment, ect)
Rules | Application | Available Characters | Game Wiki | Read The Game | FAQ|Contact Us | Follow Us on Twitter! | YouTube Channel | Tumblr | Application Checklist
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X-Project - seeking players! [29 Mar 2014|09:40pm]

Your Muse: XP's cast of lots.
Muse wanted: MAGMA, HAVOK, BUTTERFLY, ANOLE, SIRYN and plenty of other unplayed socks looking for homes!

Community: [info]x_project/ X-Project
Fandom: X-Men movieverse (X1 and X2 specifically)
Canon: X-Men movies and comics - we do a blend of most Marvel property, put through the 'realism' filter of the movies.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Movie
PB: Anyone not on this list.
Contact via: (PM, comment, ect)
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Come play with us! [11 Mar 2014|04:47pm]

Hello! My name is Julia and I mod [info]fourteenshades via [info]ftshadesmods. Fourteenshades is a multi-generation Harry Potter game that is nearing its two year anniversary. We are running a big plot in March so now is the perfect time to jump in! Due to the nature of the game, players do not need to worry about tons of back-story. When characters exit the game, the slate is wiped clean. There are very few exceptions, which are indicated on the mod page. While we do have many players and characters, new blood is always welcomed so please do not be daunted by size. We will help you acclimate and even email with you during the application process to help you form connections and plot ideas (if wanted, of course).

Our WANTED PAGE lists several story-lines that players are looking to fill, but there are many other roles open for grabs too. We run game-wide events once a month. Some are dark. Some are funny. Some are sad. Individual plotting is encouraged. During action plots, characters are given chances to play heroes, victims, saboteurs, by-standers, etc. We encourage different characters and players to participate to share the wealth. No handful of characters are always the winners (or losers).

We'd love to see you. ♥

** indicates back-story
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[17 Feb 2014|07:03pm]

Hello! My name is Julia and I mod [info]fourteenshades via [info]ftshadesmods. Fourteenshades is a multi-generation Harry Potter game that is nearing its two year anniversary. We are running a big plot in March so now is the perfect time to jump in! Due to the nature of the game, players do not need to worry about tons of back-story. When characters exit the game, the slate is wiped clean. There are very few exceptions, which are indicated on the mod page. While we do have many players and characters, new blood is always welcomed so please do not be daunted by size. We will help you acclimate and even email with you during the application process to help you form connections and plot ideas (if wanted, of course).

Our WANTED PAGE lists several story-lines that players are looking to fill, but there are many other roles open for grabs too. We run game-wide events once a month. Some are dark. Some are funny. Some are sad. Individual plotting is encouraged. During action plots, characters are given chances to play heroes, victims, saboteurs, by-standers, etc. We encourage different characters and players to participate to share the wealth. No handful of characters are always the winners (or losers).

Several popular RP roles are still available. Examples include Sirius Black, trio-era Slytherin males, Terry Boot, Neville Longbottom, Scorpius Malfoy**, trio era Ravenclaw males, Helga Hufflepuff, Order members, Dumbledore, Amos Diggory, so on and so forth!

We'd love to see you. ♥

** indicates back-story
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