.:.::. .:
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madlodger [userpic]
Fandom: Harry Potter, Friending Topic: Bottom Harry

Fandom: Harry Potter
Friending Topic: Bottom Harry

A fundamental fanon HP question: Harry/Draco, Who is the Top; Who is the Bottom? can be solved at [info]hp_polls
[Harry flosses at least twice a day per Draco's orders]

Fandom: Harry Potter, Friending Topic: Harry/Snape

Did you floss today?

Bridget [userpic]
Fandom: Harry Potter, Friending Topic: Harry/Ginny

Fandom: Harry Potter
Friending Topic: Harry/Ginny

Because there are so very few of us Harry/Ginny lovers out there (or, rather, so very few here on IJ)...

If you are, like me, a canon!fiend, join [info]socanon_hp.
2/12/08: And, if you're a Ginny fan in general, join [info]ginny_love.


Fandom: Harry Potter. Friending Topic: Draco/Harry

Fandom: Harry Potter
Friending Topic: Draco/Harry slash

I never floss? hahahahahaha. Joking.

Bridget [userpic]
Fandom: Harry Potter, Friending Topic: Harry Potter

Fandom: Harry Potter
Friending Topic: Harry Potter

For fans of the Harry Potter books series by J.K. Rowling.

You know, with all the HP fans I've encountered on both lj and ij, it seems kind of crazy that no one (myself included) has posted a HP friending meme yet. So, here it is.


12/22/07: If you like HP canon, then join [info]socanon_hp (if you want to, that is).
2/12/08: If you're a fan of Ginny Weasley, join [info]ginny_love.

location: Home: My Room
Current Mood: icky icky
Current Music: Cold Case
Bridget [userpic]
Fandom: Harry Potter, Friending Topic: Ginny Weasley

Fandom: Harry Potter
Friending Topic: Ginny Weasley

12/22/07: If you like HP canon, then join [info]socanon_hp (if you want to, that is).
2/12/08: Since you're here because you're a Ginny fan, go check out [info]ginny_love and join if you'd like.

location: Home--My Room
Current Mood: hopeful hopeful
Current Music: Mystery Men
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