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[Jun. 2nd, 2011|09:20 pm]

Hi all! Just wanted to drop a quick note to let you I'm in the middle of exams, hence I have been/will be pretty much absent till Tuesday. After which I will be on holidays and ready to get back into plotting and other RP shenanigans!

Jess <3
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[May. 29th, 2011|09:38 pm]
Hello world! Um, it's been a while, hasn't it? I think it's been a little over a year since I left FG, but now I'm back, so everyone can rest easy! To be honest, I don't even know if most of you remember me. If not, hello! I'm Brianna. If you do, HI AGAIN! I'm the silly girl that brought you the memorable character: Paparazzi. From what I understand, she's been played since I left, but hey! When I checked back here I noticed she was gone, so I decided to scoop her back up again!

Anywho, for those of you who don't remember me, or those of you who have no idea who I am, I bring you the loud, obnoxious, down right mean and vicious New Age God(dess): Paparazzi!! Considering I really couldn't think of a good name for her, she goes by Regina d'Paparazzo (that's right, Queen of Paparazzi), she owns a nightclub in Manhattan open to the elite in society... and maybe not so elite in society... the only bad part of this club? It's also open to paparazzi, she allows them to mingle in the crowds take pictures either against the peoples permission or with permission if they're attention whores. Who knows?

Let's see.... if anyone had plot with the previous Paparazzi and they want to keep it, please let me know! If anyone previously had plot with me and would like to reestablish it, please let me know! I'm so extremely excited to be back, and start Paparazzi's reign of terror once more! She's definitely reeling from all the attention on the Royal Family, and might randomly talk with a British accent until her followers stop worshiping all the gossip surrounding Kate and William and Pippa and Harry. LOL. OH! Also, if you want Paparazzi to run any stories on her blog about your characters (yes, she runs a gossip blog that posts embarrassing pictures and juicy gossip), please let me know the details!

Finally, yes, that's Paris Hilton. Yes, I consider her to be the embodiment of paparazzi. Sadly, she's been avoiding the spotlight recently. Someone make her go back into it! LOL. That's all I can think of for the moment, I look forward to meeting everyone, and plotting my life away! If you wanna plot/talk/shoot the breeze? Hit me up on AIM: girly deadpool (Long story, IM to find out! xD!) or e-mail: (really the easiest way to get a hold of me!), or PM this journal. I promise I'm uber nice, unlike my muse.

Happy gaming!
xoxo, Brianna.

PS: All of her information is here!
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Attn: Norse folks! [May. 28th, 2011|02:33 am]

Since Midsummer is a big deal in Scandinavia, and seems to be celebrated in various places in the US as well, I thought we could use this opportunity to stick all the Norse in one place for a day/weekend. Heimdall is planning to attend the Swedish Midsummer Festival in Battery Park which will be held on 24 June and I think most of the other Norse are either in or close enough to NYC that they could attend as well without having to travel too far or make up shit about why they're there.

There's going to be food and dance and fun times - brawling optional. Not sure if there will be a bonfire but I guess we could light one sometime after dark.

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Raijin [May. 24th, 2011|06:17 pm]

Hello FG!
This is Raijin. Japanese God of Thunder. Works at a ticket booth at the train station. Has a pet cat that's actually a demon. Good times!

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Reporting back [May. 24th, 2011|03:06 pm]

It's J (Eros) here. I'm so very sorry for falling off the face of earth right after joining, but apparently I'm too stupid to be released into traffic, aka 'The Incident With The... Let's Not Talk About It'. -_-

I'm back now and alive and I'll try to get back into things and be active. :D

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Optional Event! [May. 23rd, 2011|09:43 am]

Pheme and Internet are scheming together. Perhaps scheming is too strong a word. They're just trying to get some pictures, video, etc. of their fellow immortals effected by the water taint. And anything else that happens to float to the surface. Completely innocent, really. Except that Internet handed over password information for a list of targets Pheme sent him, as an act of good faith.

If you would like to be on Pheme's list, or if you would like your character documented in one way or another with how they were touched by the water poisoning, please leave a comment!
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[May. 21st, 2011|12:56 am]


I'm back! ♥

And I'm bringing Notus, Hypnos, and Nyx back with me. It's been a long time since I've been in the game, and I'm sure I've missed a lot - so I might be a little lost for a week or two.

I'm looking forward to plotting with all of your wonderful characters.

- Day

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Athena [May. 20th, 2011|09:49 pm]

Hello FG!
Bringing in Athena. Her profile is here.

To sum up, she was born from the forehead of Zeus, her mother is Metis, the Titan of wisdom, and she inherited both mommy and daddy's traits. She's a judge for the criminal division in Manhattan and uses her depth of wisdom to oversee criminal trials and put the bad guys behind bars, and let the innocent go. She is too wise to hook up with a man (haha) and has never taken a lover. In fact, she has personal history with some in her pantheon who had disgraced her temples or seen her naked in ancient times.

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three years!!1one!!!11!1 [May. 18th, 2011|01:53 am]

Happy birthday FG, you marvellous people you

Here, have some presents! Some requests, and some surprises because I was randomly inspired. I think I managed to get in something for everyone, but if I managed to miss you do feel free to give me a kick and I'll make you something. <3

Image heavy is understating it: Achilles, Amaterasu, Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Cassandra, Charybdis, Datura, Deimos, Divorce, Eostre, Eros, Gondul, Hades, Hati, Hecate, Hephaestus, Hera, Inari's kitsunes, Iris, Lucifer, Medusa, Michael, Morpheus, Odin, Phobos, Polyhymnia, Poseidon, Sköll, Styx, Susannah, Temperance, Thetis aaaaaand Zeus )

PS: You are all amazing and brilliant. Please keep being awesome. <333
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[May. 5th, 2011|06:28 pm]

Hello, mateys! I've been scarce this past week or so and I apologise for that, but I have a good excuse! A 14 week old, tiny, fuzzy, cheeky, adorable, not-yet-toilet-trained excuse called Ruby. She's beautiful and Alfie's getting along with her just fine, but she is taking a bit of extra work see: not-yet-toilet-trained hence my being a bit behind on things.

But! I am still very much available for plotting and threading, so feel free to give me a poke any time.

Also, we're coming up on FG's third (!!) anniversary this month, so in celebration I thought I'd make my usual offer of graphicky fun things (examples here). So, if you'd like icons, banners, manips, etc. of your character/s, let me know here! Feel free to request specific characters/graphics/images, or if you prefer a surprise I'll just take my pick from your characters.

Jess <3
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[Apr. 25th, 2011|10:38 pm]

Hello all!

I've been away for a little while, and it was something that I couldn't help, but I'd like to slowly get back into the swing of things. I imagine I've missed a few things, and there are probably new people here too, and I'll try to catch myself up. All my characters have just been doing their thing during this time (except Corvina, who had to deal with Horror's refusal to pay taxes, and I was very sorry not to be able to post with her as things happened) and hopefully they can be tossed at anyone and everyone with no difficulty.

I'm sorry for the time was much longer than I'd initially thought it would be.

(Morpheus, Iris, Triton, Astraios, Boreas, Caerus, Sigyn, Chastity, Zerachiel, Belphegor, Horror, Maarten and Corvina.)
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It's been a while... [Apr. 26th, 2011|12:30 am]

Introducing Lucifer. Fallen angel, Prince of the East, ruler of Hell and also CEO and chairman of Milton Enterprises, a multi-national conglomerate that dabbles in the good, the bad, the mean and the ugly. Interactions with demons, angels, all the ones that lie in between, and people from other pantheons are more than welcome. His full info is on his profile page. My contact info is still the same so if you'd like to plot with him or any of my other characters, feel free to hit me up here, on AIM or via email.

-- Ling (Famine, Lucifer, Tyki, Heimdall, Sif, Deimos, Phobos, Zeus, National Security, Wall Street)
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[Apr. 25th, 2011|10:14 am]

bye fg!
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Let's pick each others' brains some more - Head Canon Meme! [Apr. 19th, 2011|10:39 pm]
Head Canon Time!

Head Canon:
- the little facts, theories, and background details that were never stated or only implied in the game. These things are often what makes our characters our own, gives them personality, and makes them real.

As a follow up to plot post and an additional way to get our creative juices flowing:

Weird ticks, habits, favorite places, least favorite places, odd talents? This is the opportunity to share with our little world what you have put into your character that isn't immediately obvious to those of us not living inside your head!

With the influx of new players comes new, fresh meat ideas - and with how old FG is - it's a good chance to catch up with each other, touch base with plot ideas and perhaps develop new character connections in the process. It's also an awesome opportunity to discuss and explore new backstory and discuss new plot-points in the past that may shape current character interactions. Have character family dynamics you'd like to explore? What was your Greek's sibling or father or bastard doing in the 1920's? 50s? Y2K? What New God/Old God "first meetings" have you thought about but have not had a chance to talk to people about yet?

To get an idea of what this looks like when ideas get rolling (or to get a refresher on what you shared last time), we last did this way too long ago..

Lastly, have fun, don't be shy, and have at it!
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Plotting! [Apr. 18th, 2011|06:41 pm]


Let's plot!

And here's your free-for-all plotting post! FG is such a big game, and between time zones and differing schedules it's sometimes hard to get a hold of people for plotting purposes. And if you're new to the game, or particularly shy about contacting others, I know initiating things can be difficult.

So consider this a stress-free, all-purpose plot post. Comment with a list of your characters and, if you like, any ideas or suggestions you may have for interaction; reply to others' comments if anything takes your interest, and just get plotting!

Like the HMD, this is completely optional -- it's just another way of getting in touch with people and getting those creative juices flowing. Enjoy!p
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HMD [Apr. 18th, 2011|06:36 pm]


How's My Driving?

Apologies for the lateness of the HMD this month - the activity check actually finished a week ago, but due to the Essay That Ate My Life (a mythology-related one, ironically) I haven't had the chance to make any updates till now.

For those new to HMD posts, this is basically a chance for players to offer each other comments, constructive criticism, concerns and thoughts about the way others' characters are being portrayed. The idea is to give people a sense of how they're going with their characters and whether there's anything they can improve on, as well as getting any concerns that folk might have out in the open.

As players aren't always comfortable approaching certain people with criticisms, anonymous commenting is enabled. I'm sure I don't need to tell anyone that whether or not you choose to respond anonymously, all comments should be respectful and constructive. While concrit can sometimes be uncomfortable for the recipient, it ultimately aims to be helpful. Downright criticism and nitpicking simply aren't, and flaming will absolutely not be tolerated.

Although HMDs are completely voluntary, I would strongly encourage people to participate. This is a great opportunity to receive and give valuable feedback, and also to raise and potentially resolve any misunderstandings or issues that might be getting in the way of plot and people's enjoyment of the game. Make the most of it!

If you want to offer your character/s up for comments, just respond to this post with their name/s.

To report any errors, please reply to this comment.
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[Apr. 10th, 2011|11:46 pm]

Overseas from 11th to 26th April. That'll be the 10th to the 25th American time. Limited internet access, but will post as the mood strikes & come back into full swing when I get back.
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Intro post [Apr. 10th, 2011|01:42 pm]

I'm J, new player, invading your wonderful game with Eros. He goes by Johnny Maroon amongst mortals, doesn't have a steady job (does whatever will put money in the bank), is emotionally as mature as a five-year-old, loves one person above everyone and everything else: himself. It's not a big secret that he thinks very highly of himself because he is that awesome no matter what everyone else might think. Yeah, he's a jerk. Might even be the prototype of all asshole guys populating the world. So that's Eros in a nutshell. But if you'd like to know more about him, his application is here.

I can be reached via email: sixseven8[at]rocketmail[dot]com. Or via Eros' HMD post which I'll put up shortly.

Looking forward to playing with everyone~ :D

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[Apr. 7th, 2011|03:55 pm]

Hey there, it's me Tim again with another character to add to the mix. This time I'm brining you Erzulie Freda, the Voodoo goddess of Love and Beauty. She's pretty friendly if not a bit saucy, but I imagine she'll find a way to get under a few people's skin. Check out her profile and let me know if you want to thread with her. Have fun, Later.
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Hi Everyone [Apr. 1st, 2011|08:14 am]

Hi guys, I'm Tim a newbie to the game. And, I bring you Eostre, or Easter as she likes to be called. Played by the lovely Gwen Stefani. For those of you that have read the novel American Gods, she pretty much exactly like she's described in the book. She was always my favorite character and I'm so stoked to get the chance to play her. She tends to get along with pretty much everybody, and if she can't then she'll just shrug her shoulders and walk away, lol. So if anybody wants to have a scene with her just let me know. I'll be bringing in another character soon, but anyway, hope to see you all around. Later.
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