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Forgotten Gods OOC

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[Mar. 13th, 2011|06:48 pm]

Hello all. I just wanted to say that I will be scarce for the next week or so. It never rains but it pours and I need a little time to find an umbrella or something.

I'm sorry and as always, please e-mail me if you need me.

(Morpheus, Iris, Triton, Boreas, Caerus, Astraios, Zerachiel, Belphegor, Chastity, Horror, Sigyn, Corvina and Maarten.)
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[Mar. 4th, 2011|12:06 pm]


Rolling out the second event I had discussed earlier.

Meet Coal. The country's No. 1 generator of electricity and the all around work horse that has kept America running in some fashion since the 1800s. He's not a very talkative guy, preferring to spend his days slaving away in the coal mines of West Virginia with his people.

He hasn't been very happy or even content as of late and for the first time ever Old Reliable here is going to be acting out. I'll put up a narrative later describing his state of mind but the point of this post...

Rolling black outs starting Saturday morning and ending next week Friday. Country wide and lasting anywhere from 15 minutes to 3 hours at least 3 times a day - no immediate pattern. Plenty of reasons for a variety of gods to be pissed off and maybe some laughter from the older deities seeing as they've lived longer without electricity then with it.

Totally voluntary to acknowledge or participate in of course! Complaints and general surliness can be directed towards Coal once it's deduced he's the problem and not the grid itself.

Any questions, concerns or plots can be directed to me. Looking forward to any and all trouble! =D
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Appropriate journal NPC is appropriate. [Mar. 2nd, 2011|02:34 am]
Brb trip to Rome. Will be gone from the 4th to the 10th. Don't break anything while I'm gone, kids.

I am going to make funny faces at every statue of Jupiter I see.

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[Feb. 26th, 2011|05:44 pm]
Good Evening/Day/Morning FGers,

Nik here with two more proposals for game wide totally voluntary shennigans.

The first would involve Tax. As some of you may or may not be aware of it's tax season here in America and you've got until April 15th to get your returns filed. Seeing as deities are less an exception to the rule and more a peculiar and difficult set of circumstances I'm thinking the Tax Man himself might pay all godly types (if they have income that is) a personal visit.

Logging each encounter would make my head explode (funny as that would be) but if you'd like to imply that a copy of Mr. Teal here, as he is very much like Mr. Smith in the Matrix and each clone has it's own designated name (Mr. Blue, Mr. Brown, Mr. Mauve...), has stopped by for a visit please do!

The encounter doesn't have to be friendly though any copy of Tax will remain polite, creepily so. And if you'd like it to lead into future trouble let me know.

This is something that would be ongoing from now until April 15th.

The second event I'd like to kick off in the middle of next week would involve Coal. As I mentioned before he's not very happy and rather then continuing to work through his sulk he's surly enough to make others suffer with him.

As the country's No. 1 supplier of electricity I purpose a series of rolling black outs for five days. Each black out would be between 15 minutes and two hours long - multiple times a day.

Because as we all know pissed off gods and mortals make for...well I'm not sure what but its bound to be interesting ^_^"
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Dora's birthday [Feb. 20th, 2011|12:53 am]

For Dora's birthday, because I know what she dreams of, and this is probably not it, but she's getting it anyway.

Greed/Envy - entreacte )
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Commercial break time - or something [Feb. 17th, 2011|01:25 pm]

Gotta take a break from FG due to sickness and some uni stuff - office hours, papers and so on. Apologies to the people I'm in logs with - will get to them when I come back.

Take care and I'll see you later.

Characters affected: Aim, Deimos & Phobos, Dorian, Famine, Gambling, Heimdall, Humility, National Security, Rhea, Sif, Triteia, Tyki, Wall Street, Wrath, Zeus.

-- Ling
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Plotting! [Feb. 12th, 2011|01:29 pm]


Let's plot!

And here's your free-for-all plotting post! FG is such a big game, and between time zones and differing schedules it's sometimes hard to get a hold of people for plotting purposes. And if you're new to the game, or particularly shy about contacting others, I know initiating things can be difficult.

So consider this a stress-free, all-purpose plot post. Comment with a list of your characters and, if you like, any ideas or suggestions you may have for interaction; reply to others' comments if anything takes your interest, and just get plotting!

Like the HMD, this is completely optional -- it's just another way of getting in touch with people and getting those creative juices flowing. Enjoy!
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How's My Driving? [Feb. 12th, 2011|01:27 pm]


How's My Driving?

For those new to HMD posts, this is basically a chance for players to offer each other comments, constructive criticism, concerns and thoughts about the way others' characters are being portrayed. The idea is to give people a sense of how they're going with their characters and whether there's anything they can improve on, as well as getting any concerns that folk might have out in the open.

As players aren't always comfortable approaching certain people with criticisms, anonymous commenting is enabled. I'm sure I don't need to tell anyone that whether or not you choose to respond anonymously, all comments should be respectful and constructive. While concrit can sometimes be uncomfortable for the recipient, it ultimately aims to be helpful. Downright criticism and nitpicking simply aren't, and flaming will absolutely not be tolerated.

Although HMDs are completely voluntary, I would strongly encourage people to participate. This is a great opportunity to receive and give valuable feedback, and also to raise and potentially resolve any misunderstandings or issues that might be getting in the way of plot and people's enjoyment of the game. Make the most of it!

If you want to offer your character/s up for comments, just respond to this post with their name/s.

To report any errors, please reply to this comment.
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Removals [Feb. 12th, 2011|01:21 pm]

I've been a little forgetful about doing this (sorry!), but we had a few departures this activity check - so for anybody interested, here's a list of the recently-removed characters and PBs:

Under here )

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[Feb. 7th, 2011|01:24 pm]
Hey everyone,

Erin (and Badb) here, needing to go on hiatus til I get my head on straight.

Love for you all,
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[Feb. 5th, 2011|08:54 pm]

Hi guys!

First, I'm sorry for continuing to be turns out that I was quite a bit more ill than I initially thought. Getting better, though.

Second, Iris is once again offering her services for Valentine's Day. I put the offer up now so that there's plenty of time before the actual day. As Iris said, comments will be screened, but if you'd like to e-mail me any messages, feel free. It was fun the first time around, so leave as many messages as you like, anon or no!
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[Feb. 3rd, 2011|05:36 pm]
Hello Forgotten Gods! I'm Kayla coming in with Artemis who runs a shelter for abused women in New York called The Diana House. She uses it to build her following by instilling in the women there a knowledge and gratitude for her divine self; she also protects them by ensuring that the people who made them suffer come to justice in one way or another. When you are limited on your following, you need to have their backs in order to maintain their glorious faith flow.

She is still the virginal goddess she was in myth and has a low tolerance for women who play the cheap whore or seek sex for its pleasures. Though if they are willing to place their faith in her, she might be willing to turn an eye to their misdeeds. Being one of the only gods of her pantheon myth, other than Ares, who has demanded human sacrifice, she isn't afraid to dirty her hands when she needs to in order to get what she wants, and certainly doesn't hold mortal life over her own or that of a ally.

She enjoys the outdoors, music and dance, and the company of friends. That being said, she needs friends! And of course enemies, rivals, spurned love interests, jealous or envious types, family dynamics, friendly acquaintances; what have you.

Spill your secrets! You can catch me on AIM @xangiejox or email if you'd like to.
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[Jan. 29th, 2011|04:45 pm]

I wanted to post this Thursday, when I first contracted what may or may not be the plague, but this is the first time I've had the energy to do more than collapse on the couch and breathe. I'm sure I'll be back in a couple more days, but I wanted to give this heads up to all I owe tags to.

Also, welcome to all the new people, because I haven't been able to keep up with those intro posts, either!

E-mails are welcome since I can answer those on my phone from bed!

This affects: Morpheus, Triton, Iris, Caerus, Astraios, Boreas, Chastity, Zerachiel, Belphegor, Corvina, Maarten, Sigyn and Horror.
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[Jan. 29th, 2011|12:27 pm]

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening FG,

Nik here again with another OOC post to get a couple of game wide events discussed and possibly set in motion.

The Internet has enlisted Cyber Warfare's help in making Google go on the fritz for a week. She is of course more then happy to do this. And that little event will be taking place on 1/31/11 and lasting until the end of day Friday.

Seeing as it's Google and the search engine is huge for a number reasons this would impact every day life and is going to make the mortals unhappy making for a set of unhappy New Gods. The older deities can have a good laugh. They know life without Google better then anyone.

And for the record...Cyber Warfare is more then happy to take credit for the act. So finger pointing would be encouraged.

Y/N? Participation and acknowledgment of said of event is strictly voluntary!

I've also got Coal, who has been a great big lump of sad lately. As New Gods go he's one of the biggest - he's the workhorse that built the nation and one of the major players in the Industrial Revolution.

He's also America's No. 1 producer of electricity - owning a controlling share of over 50% of the nation's output. Which is where my next event comes in. I was thinking of picking another week at the end of February in which Coal would exercise some of his might (and be throwing a sort of fit to be honest) and the country would suffer from a series of rolling blackouts.

The electricity loss would be sporadic through out the week multiple times of day. The outages would last anywhere from ten minutes to three hours.

This would impact EVERYTHING and could lead to different types of interactions and reactions that don't have to take place on blogs.

Whadda y'all think?

- Nik
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[Jan. 29th, 2011|05:17 am]
Let's try to keep this short for once. Yadda yadda, no self-control, curse a few certain enablers, etc. etc..

To the matter at hand: This is Datura of the Nightshades, recently returned to NYC. She is a deliriant said to keep bad company, namely toothy gods and entities with the void at the back of the mouth when they smile. That said, D is a real charmer.

As always, open for plots/backstory/cracky shenanigans; you know how to find me.

- Teresa
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[Jan. 25th, 2011|07:12 pm]
[mood | excited]

Hello everybody! I'm new the game and my name is Jenni, but I'm sure you have a million people named Jenni running around so you can call me J. I'm puppeting Ross Faulkner aka Big Oil and it's going to be lots and lots of fun. I'm always up for plotting, no matter how ridiculous it may be! I'm not around on AIM very much so the best way to reach me is through an email account I set up for this game. Lucky me I'm on the computer a lot so I can check my email quite a bit. It's I look forward to meeting everybody!
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Introducing Polyhymnia! [Jan. 25th, 2011|07:08 am]

So, another of the 9 Muses joins, hopefully there is rejoicing!

I'm Sarah, new, and I bring with me a lonely little cowgirl with a lot on her shoulders. The youngest Muse, dedicated to sacred poetry, meditation, contemplation and agriculture, Polyhymnia was always a pretty serious gal (unless one of her sisters, usually Thalia, could get her to lighten up!). A wanderlust, but given to loneliness, she's attached herself to two of the Mousai Apollonides-Hypate and Nete-who are the high and low notes of the lyre. They are psychologically attached to her, and both help her and pull her down at the same time. She traveled all over Europe during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, inspiring tons of religious songs, and made it to America with the explorers. Finding America a mixed bag (and not liking the Puritans' love of hellfire and brimstone), she attached herself on plantations to inspire the spirituals of the slaves. She loved the country, and over time came to inspire (and sing!) country and folk music. She performs with her companions (now known as Tammy and Tina) under the name Polly Kokinos and The Twins. Though she loved traveling the open road, as the 21st century has rolled around, she decided she needed to hunker down awhile. She's gone to New York to try and be closer to her sisters, even if the big city makes her nervous. Her&the girls live in a loft in Chelsea in a barely renovated warehouse and she's bought an old diner that she's been refurbishing, The Poet and the Pea. It has a stage, piano and a jukebox, so it's pretty much heaven to Polly.

There's more in her bio, so check her out. I'm excited to play, and interested in any plot ideas/etc with your kiddos :)
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[Jan. 24th, 2011|01:37 am]

Hi all! This is Remus - no, not the werewolf, the Roman bloke. Twin of Romulus, bastard son of Mars (hai Ares!), almost founded Rome but was prevented from doing so when his brother killed him. Ooh, there are some major family issues there.

Where Romulus is representative of the well-ordered, civilised realm of the city, Remus represents the countryside and the wild, rustic lifestyle, lawless and uninhibited. He's reckless, impulsive and a bit crude, but ultimately he's a good-hearted fellow and a good person to have by your side when things get tough. These days he owns and runs a small stud farm just outside of New York, where he breeds horses.

You can find all the juicy tl;dr details in his profile here.

Availability is still a bit sporadic while I'm recuperating, but plotting is always welcome - feel free to poke me!

Jess <3
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well. [Jan. 22nd, 2011|10:56 pm]
I don't think this is much of a surprise, with me being pretty absent for the last month or so. Truth is, I've seriously been losing my FG drive, but I'm not willing to kick the bucket just yet. While I'm pondering my future in the game, I'll be dropping the following: Mnemosyne, Barachiel, Isolde, Lucy, MySpace, and Hebe. Most, if not all, of their sources of CR have long departed from the game, and I'm just having a hard time figuring out what to do with them. Should someone app a character relevant to one of their interests, I may bring them back.

Cut for what they would've done/said to those they had CR with. )

This leaves me with Pan, Verrine, Morgause, Percy, Hector, Animanga, and Cas & Pol. I'm slowly going to get them back into the game, but I might need a bit of time while adjusting to pulling out of college. Sorry I've been so absent. I'll try to be better. ♥

- Ang
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Shiny new player! [Jan. 21st, 2011|05:43 pm]
Heyo lovelies!

My name is Erin, and I typically suck at introductions, so I'll just give you the rundown. Meet Badb. (pronounced bath-b, with a soft th)

She's one-third of the Irish war goddess triumvirate, along side Macha and Mórrígan, and probably the least mentally-stable of the three sisters. Badb (Brenna Ward, her human alias) is characterized by her near-insatiable lusts--for blood, for men, and for chaos. She's associated with battle, bazerker frenzy, and prophesy; known for taking the shape of a crow, a murder of crows, a blinding mist, an old crone, and her most used--a young woman. Old beliefs in her originated the Banshees of Ireland and Scotland.

In her current incarnation, she is the trophy wife of a weapons company mogul (NPC at the moment, but totally up for adoption if anyone's looking). She just arrived in New York from Chicago, and is looking forward to getting to know her new playground.

Looking to jump right in! Reach me on AIM at beerandsuckers. I'm up for anything!
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