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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Oct. 9th, 2011|12:14 am]


Who: Sigyn (Narrative, though open to Loki)
What: Finding Loki in a bad state. Again.
Where: Loki's apartment
When: Back-dated to late September

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[Jan. 10th, 2011|06:04 pm]

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Who: Loki, Sigyn
What: Sigyn tries to keep the suffering to a minimum once again.
Where: Two different hospitals in NY
When: After this and this.
Warnings: None

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Everybody's speaking, but you don't know what they're saying [Sep. 24th, 2010|11:25 pm]

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Who: Sif ([info]mountain_ashes) & Sigyn ([info]victorious_girl)
What: Chance encounter of two people who haven't seen or spoken since forever.
Where: Manhattan, NYC
When: Saturday morning
Warnings: None

You're just guessing meanings, interpreting emotion through a window that is broken )
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[Aug. 28th, 2009|03:56 pm]
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Who: Sköll, OPEN
Where: A park bench somewhere downtown NY
When: Friday afternoon
What: Lazy wolf

It's summer. Sköll likes summer, despite coming from a land known for its ice and snow. When you've chased the sun for millenia you get used to the warmth. Of course, Sòl doesn't shine nearly as bright or as hot as he remembers, but he's used to that by now. It's been centuries since he was close enough.

Today, he's decided to be lazy. Not that either he or his brother have any major plans he's actually ignoring in favour of some relaxation. There's no hunting to be done and any provisions they want or need are well stocked. It's more the principle of the thing.

Sköll has appropriated a park bench along a busy street, long legs stretched out in front of him with no care or concern for who's way they might be in. Anyone who questions or comments about it are met with a low growl and they smartly decide to let it go and hurry on their way.

These humans can occasionally be entertaining.
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[Jun. 25th, 2009|03:35 pm]
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[Current Mood |awake]

Who: Loki([info]upyours) and Sigyn([info]foreverfaithful)
What: Sigyn cooks her hubby a meal before he goes off to cause utter mayhem and bring home the bacon.
When: June 24th, noon.
Where: Sigyn's house.
Rating: M for secks.

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[May. 10th, 2009|08:10 pm]
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Who: Sigyn and Susano'o
What: A "friendly" chance meeting
When: Saturday night, 3:00 am
Where: Chinatown; Canal Street
Warnings: Probably language, possible violence


Where the streets have no name. )
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